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The solution to Europe's immigration problem

Here is what Italian Prime Minister Meloni has to tell the French president.

Janet Yellin visits South Africa

The US will reach its debt ceiling limit on January 19, and the new congress, controlled by Republicans, is in no mood to increase the debt limit. There will certainly be a fight ……

Saudis are improving trade

It appears that the Saudis want to “help improve the trade around the world” by selling oil in currencies other than the US dollar. Such a policy brought down Iraq’s Saddam Hussei……

Vaxxing the food supply this year “We will soon be eating DNA altered, sickened animals from the same mRNA jabs cont……

Informative interview with Roger Stone

Roger Stone has been the subject of prophecy in some circles. He is a fairly new believer, coming to Christ just a few years ago. In this video he is interviewed by Steve Schultz ……

Vaxx results in China

The vaccination rate in China, as of last July, stands at 89.7%. Now China is being hit with a huge outb……

Ukraine descends into Democracy

Here is what the US and Europe are supporting in their war to save Democracy. They started out in 2014 by shelling the people of the city of Donetsk. This has gone on nearly ……

Ending the US war in Syria

It appears that the long US war against Syria is about to come to an end. Recall that General Wesley Clark told us years ago that the word in the Pentagon was that the US was……

Pope Benedict dies, age 95

Is the EU beginning to wake up?

The EU is beginning to wake up and realise that its relationship with the U.S. has reached farcical levels of master and slave. Remarkably, the EU is beginning to wake up and ……

Showing 41-50 of -1 results

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