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Blog Category - Bible Studies

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God's Old Street Address: Shiloh

In Deut. 16 and 26 God told the Israelites that they were to bring their first fruits offerings and to keep their feast days in the place where He has put His name. In other words……

God's Old Street Address: Jerusalem

After the priesthood in Shiloh became corrupted, God moved out of Shiloh and never looked back. A child was born at the time, and he was named Ichabod, which means "the glory has ……

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 1

In the book of Revelation, an entity called "Babylon" is presented to us as the great world-wide, man-made counterfeit to the Kingdom of God. This "Babylon" is also presented in c……

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 2

Our Jubilee Prayer Campaign was launched from Nov. 21-29, 1993. It was timed to coincide with the 46th anniversary of the Palestinian Resolution, which was debated in the U.N. dur……

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 3

In my last article, I wrote about the first watch date one year after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign, in which Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, pushed the GATT treaty through the Hou……

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 4

As my wife and I were in prayer last night, the Lord unexpectedly instructed me to give you some personal background leading to the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993. In 1979, ……

The Axe Laid to the Root: Final

In my web logs of Feb. 2 and Feb. 6, I wrote about the coming dates of March 24 and 25. This is our topic today in the final part of our current series. March 24-25 was 76 da……

Understanding Prophecy

When I read various prophetic words sent to me or posted on web sites, I am struck by the fact that even true prophets out there misunderstand things that God tells them. It takes……

The Law of Sacrifice

When I was growing up as a starry-eyed Christian Zionist, I thought that being a Jew was out of my reach, because one had to be born a Jew genealogically to be one of God's Chosen……

The Story of Judas

In yesterday's web log, I mentioned that I have a supply of Potassium Iodate that you may purchase for $15 per bottle, plus $5 per order for postage. I failed to mention how to pa……

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