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Massive Site Update this Wednesday

Hey everyone! We have been working diligently over the past year on a complete rebuild of the GKM Website on a new platform, along with a massive visual update, and paving th……

Security updates complete

Our host has finished with the security updates on the GKM Website, so there shouldn't be any more downtime. We had about a 10 hour period where the site was offline this morni……

Website Security Updates

Hey everyone, We will be performing security updates on the GKM Website over the next couple of days, starting today. There may be times where the website is offline over this ……

Ministry Updates -- Current State, and Future Vision

Hey everyone! Behind the scenes of the technical side of GKM, we are always working on a variety of projects to further the ministry, and wanted to give an update on some of ……

Site Search Error - Fixed

Hey everyone! We recently had a user inform us that the search page was returning an error, preventing searches from being run on GKM. We tracked down the issue and the search ……

Isaiah Book Bundle available for purchase!

Hey everyone! We have just added the Isaiah Book Bundle to the site, available for purchase. This bundle includes 1 copy of each of the 9 books in the series, and provides ……

"All Books Bundle" is now available on the GKM Store

Hey everyone! The All Books Bundle is now available for purchase on the GKM Store for both domestic and international purchases. This bundle will get you 1 copy of every boo……

Status of the Bible School

Hey everyone! A lot of internal discussion, design, and development has been going on with regard to the Bible School (BBIBI), and we wanted to update all of you with the cur……

Update on the state of the old GKM website

When we launched the new version of the GKM website over a year ago, we decided to keep the old site online to give some time for people to adjust to everything that had changed. ……

Recent Issues with Email Notifications

We have had several reports over the last few months of users not receiving emails of new blog posts, and this appears to have been an ongoing problem with little reason as to why……

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