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Blog Category - Prophetic

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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A new work of redemption

We arrived home safely last evening. It will take awhile to catch up on the work. Please be patient. I’m not sure that I will be able to catch up on the emails. Diesel Shortag……

America is being delivered

I was supposed to leave on my trip today, but it has been postponed until tomorrow. The realtor got sick the other day, so we will give him an extra day or two to recover before w……

The new prophetic year

Recall that the two cleansing cycles for the new prophetic year began on November 21, 2021. The second 76-day cycle (reckoning inclusively) ended April 22, 2022. What actually ……

Prophecies about the great revival in Russia Hudson Taylor, famous British missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission, had an amazing vision in 1889 of a great national sp……

The May 14 watch date

(revised) By our present-day calendar, today marks the end of the fifth year of the Kingdom fruit tree (Leviticus 19:23-25). The law says, “In the fifth year you are to eat o……

The fruits of the Kingdom

Yesterday a few of us (locally) gathered together to pray and to bring into the world the declaration that God made 21 years ago on the same date. Recall that on April 24, 2001 Am……

The little horn still in a state of rebellion

Why am I not surprised? I received the following email from a friend yesterday…. Stephen, I wanted to give you an interesting word if I may. Since you are seeing the fruitio……

Harvest Time has come

It is now nearly five years since we planted the (spiritual) Kingdom “tree” on May 14, 2017 at our Second Passover conference here in Minneapolis. Janette Strauss provided the lea……

Securing the Inheritance

Last evening I was watching Bo Polny in an interview with “His Glory.” Bo has some interesting watch dates, which he found by a different method of his own, among which is April 2……

Two barley dates to watch

We have been watching “barley” dates for the past 12 years in regard to the 9th sign of Elisha (2 Kings 4:42-44). In the days of Elisha, that particular sign occurred at the time ……

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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