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Blog Category - Prayer Campaigns

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Bowe Bergdahl Prayer Campaign July 1 Bowe is from Hailey, Idaho. He is a Christian believer and was home schooled. He was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan on June 30, 2009 after leavi……

Our Prayer for the Day

Here is the Prayer for the Day, based on 2 Thess. 2:14 to 3:5. Father, you have called us to obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to stand firm in the word which……

Model Prayer for Divine Deliverance Prayer Campaign March 8-9, 2012

Our Prayer Campaign is scheduled for Purim, March 8-9. Below is a suggested model, designed to bring us all into focus. Pray this at least once each day. Father, I come before……

Purim and the Divine Deliverance Prayer Campaign--Part 1

Most you recall Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally that was held on August 28, 2010 in Washington D.C. 490 days later was Dec. 31, 2011, the day that President Obama signed t……

The MF Global bankruptcy and the prayer campaign in 2001

Ten years ago we fought a prayer campaign called Entering the Millennium of Rest. It started when the Satanists violated the law on October 31, and we then took the case to the Di……

Answering the Appeal in the Divine Court

At 9:00 p.m. last night, our opposition appealed their loss to the Divine Court, on the grounds that they represent the true religion that we are to be enslaved to the Dalai Lama.……

The Angel of the Waters Prayer Campaign

In our prayer time last night, more details were revealed about the prayer campaign. First of all, we now see it in a greater context. Because it began on July 15, which is 7/1……

The two-part prayer campaign

As so often happens, small entry points lead to much bigger events. This prayer campaign (as yet nameless) has shown us a much bigger picture than we thought at first. Its root……

Spiritual Warfare July 15-20

The Dalai Lama is in Washington D.C. completing his 10-day "Kalachakra for World Peace" at the Verizon Center. This is a ten-day Buddhist ceremony that claims to have as its purpo……

Spain: The Secondary Target

It appears that yesterday's quake in southern Spain might be the "secondary target" that I mentioned in my earlier blog. The intercessory work along the New Madrid fault in Americ……

Showing 121-130 of -1 results

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