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Blog Category - Prayer Campaigns

Showing 31-40 of -1 results

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Update on the Burning Man prayer campaign

Yesterday a friend from Minnesota came to my office to give me more information about the Burning Man prayer campaign, which we held from August 26 to September 1, 2018. He had……

Results of the Burning Man prayer campaign

The prayer campaign was a total success in that we defeated and overthrew Molech. As you know, the prayer campaign began August 26 and ended at midnight September 1st shortly afte……

Lessons from the Battlefront

The Burning Man prayer campaign has been rather intense so far. The first day of the festival itself in Nevada saw dust and smoke with 60 mph winds. Signs of battle are everywhere……

The Burning Man Prayer Campaign

At 7:22 pm Central Standard Time, the Burning Man prayer campaign will begin. It will last until the evening of September 1st when the “temple” at the Burning Man festival in Blac……

Burning Man linked to the Hungry Ghost festival

It appears that our Burning Man prayer campaign coincides with another festival in the Far East called the Hungry Ghost festival. It seems to have similarities to Halloween, and t……

Notes on the Burning Man Prayer Campaign

We had a swarm of spiritual activity yesterday afternoon with high-level demonic princes coming in from around the world. We had no difficulty dealing with them, of course, but it……

Notice of Impending judgment against Moloch

From reports that I have read, the US Department of Justice has been preparing to indict many corrupt corporate CEO’s, media moguls, government employees, and members of congress.……

Model prayer for Renewing the Covenant prayer campaign

To be prayed on August 23, 2017. If you are seeing this later, you can still participate by asking God to make it retroactive to the appointed time. Main Scripture: Deut……

Prayer and Decree to close the portal of pedophilia

BOY’S TOWN WORK AND DECREE 08/20/2017 6:00 p.m. Boy’s Town in Omaha, Nebraska Wayne & BonnieLynn Knappick, Mike & Kathy Winchell Communion before breakfast. The Full A……

Divine Court work today and its results

Three of us met today at my office, along with six others by conference call (telephone) to go before the divine court. We started at 1:04 pm and ended at 1:25 pm. Our missio……

Showing 31-40 of -1 results

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