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Blog Category - News

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A short history of tear gas and a border wall

US border patrols have used tear gas to stop migrants as they rushed the border. The media has condemned the use of tear gas against “innocent” people. I saw one news report of a ……

The policy of monetizing immigration

More than ten years ago, General Wesley Clark revealed that the plan of the Deep State was to “overthrow seven [mideast] countries in five years.” He did not know why, at least no……

Where is Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg?

British authorities want to know about Facebook’s role in allowing Russian ads in America’s last election. Zuckerberg was asked to testify. He did not show up for the questioning.……

Will global warming cause an Ice Age?

With all the talk about “global warming,” now modified to “climate change,” perhaps they changed the mantra because they believe that an Ice Age is more likely to be in our future……

Crisis in the auto industry

I was informed recently by an insider in the auto business that President Obama mandated that by 2020 the auto industry must build all of their autos that will run at least 40 mil……

The Deep State's Ukrainian distraction

In February 2014 US president Obama brokered a deal for regime change in the Ukraine. In other words, the US government was involved in a political coup, largely through Secretary……

Countdown to a new beginning

Now that the midterm elections are past, the investigations into voter fraud have begun in California, Texas, and Florida—and perhaps other places as well. In Los Angeles, they ar……

A change of money

When the Federal Reserve Bank was chartered in 1914 following the Federal Reserve Act in December of 1913, Congress gave up its power to create money and gave it to “the experts,”……

Judge orders Hillary to testify under oath about emails and illegal server

This event took place on November 15, 2018, which was one of our watch dates. I did not notice this news until today.……

Daniel Best commits suicide by beating himself to death WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Nov. 1 death of Daniel Best, a pharmaceutical executive from Bay Village who led U.S. Department……

Showing 961-970 of -1 results

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