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Blog Category - Ministry News

Showing 51-60 of -1 results

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The Gospel of the Kingdom is spreading

I revised yesterday’s weblog, because I had confused Benjamin with Dan. The main point is that Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin are among the first tribes that God is reuniting und……

Preparing to move

My wife and I are back home safely after being out of town since last Sunday. We were looking for property for GKM’s international headquarters. As most of you know, when we mo……

Going out of town

Tomorrow (Sunday) I will be out of town for a few days and do not know if I will be able to post any weblogs during that time. I should be back toward the end of the week.

Eating fruit from the tree in the fifth year

Yesterday the major shareholder of the bank came to apologize to John. He explained that there was a political faction (from the ANC) that had infiltrated the bank and which had c……

Timeline of prophecy and a gold backed Russian petro-ruble

Last week Russia retaliated against western sanctions by forcing “unfriendly countries” to pay for Russian oil in rubles, rather than in dollars. This upsets the petro-dollar syst……

A major victory and a new beginning

I am currently assessing the results of the prayer campaigns from the past month. Recall that we actually fought these battles on the same dates in 2001, but that we are now seein……

Defining the battlefield

We are now witnessing the spiritual battle whose outcome was determined at this time in 2001. Though it certainly affects us personally and current events in general, we are in a ……

The mechanics of prophecy and timing

When I write about so many events from the past to correlate them to the present, it can make many eyes glaze over. It would be helpful to include pictures of timelines or graphs,……

The Third Battle from 2001 now resurfacing

In past years we have learned about the three courts of heaven. These were imitated, as best they understood, in Jerusalem during biblical times: 1) the throne of grace in the tem……

A final delay to the appointed time

I will be out of town this weekend at an important prayer summit, so it is not likely that I will post anything until Monday. Please pray for John (in South Africa), as he su……

Showing 51-60 of -1 results

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