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Last week Russia retaliated against western sanctions by forcing “unfriendly countries” to pay for Russian oil in rubles, rather than in dollars. This upsets the petro-dollar system that was established in the 1970’s after the US dollar was cut loose from the gold standard.
Russia wants "unfriendly countries" to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles. That's a new directive from President Vladimir Putin as he attempts to leverage his country's in-demand resources to counter a barrage of Western sanctions.
"I have decided to implement ... a series of measures to switch payments — we'll start with that — for our natural gas supplies to so-called unfriendly countries into Russian rubles," Putin said in a televised government meeting, adding that trust in the dollar and euro had been "compromised" by the West's seizure of Russian assets.
The new requirement appeared aimed at propping up the flagging Russian currency, the ruble, by increasing demand for it. Its value gained against the dollar and the euro following Putin's announcement. Natural gas prices surged in Europe, where Russia has supplied about 45% of imports.
This is a huge step toward the end of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. In 1970, when Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard, the value of the dollar needed something to prop up its value, so they made an agreement with Saudi Arabia to accept payment for oil exclusively in US dollars. That meant every country that imported oil had to have a US dollar reserve in order to pay for oil. That propped up the value of the dollar.
We are now entering into a new world, where the dollar is being rejected or replaced. The Saudis signed a military-economic agreement with Russia on August 24, 2021, just nine days after Biden’s debacle in Afghanistan—which occurred on the 50th anniversary of the day Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard (August 15, 1971).
Let’s step back a bit and look at the connections of timing.
The Timeline
August 15, 1971. Nixon abandons the gold standard for the US dollar
April 21, 2020. Price of oil falls to negative $38/barrel, beginning the destruction of the petro-dollar.
August 15, 2021. The fall of Kabul, Afghanistan, destroys world confidence that the US can protect them. This is the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s announcement.
August 24, 2021. Saudi Arabia signs military cooperation agreement with Russia, replacing its agreement with the US (since 1973). This is 490 days after April 21, 2020.
August 25, 2021. Nigeria, another major oil producer, signs military cooperation agreement with Russia, similar to the Saudi agreement.
February 24, 2022. Russia invades Ukraine a day before Ukrainian troops intend to invade the breakaway republics in the east. Ukrainian army begins to be surrounded by Russian troops. Biden announces soon-coming sanctions on Russia.
February 28, 2022. Biden and EU freeze funds from the Russian Central Bank.
This is the 21-year manifestation of the end of the prayer campaign (part 1) from February 26-28, 2001.
March 7, 2022. God gives a 21-day countdown to decide whether He continues with Trump or uses another to do His will.
March 8, 2022. Price of Nickel skyrockets. Market trading halts.
This is the 21st anniversary of the overthrow of the Prince of Usury on March 8, 2001, making this event important to watch. Wait till the same happens with silver and gold.
March 9, 2022. Russia drops the 20 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) on gold purchases, retroactive to March 1. This prepares the way for a gold-backed ruble, because it encourages Russians to use their US dollars to purchase gold, thereby de-dollarizing Russia.
Also on the same day, a high-level banker in South Africa, who had helped John set up accounts many years ago, showed up unexpectedly. John asked her for help, and she began investigating the next day, March 10. Her work uncovered the criminal activity in the bank on March 17 and ultimately forced the bank to capitulate and ask for a settlement on March 22.
March 19/20, 2022. The Council of Peace meets to pray and discern the answer to God’s question, “Shall I continue with Trump,” posed on March 7. We discern YES, Trump’s calling (as “Jehu”) has not yet been completed.
March 22, 2022. Bank in South Africa calls John, asking to make a “settlement” in regard to the stolen funds. Our banker friend had uncovered the bank’s crimes, forcing them to sue for peace. This is 21 years after the start of the third and final prayer battle in 2001 overthrowing the golden calves.
March 23, 2022. Russia announces that oil purchased by “unfriendly nations” must be paid for in rubles, rather than in US dollars. This is the beginning of the “petro-ruble.” It occurs in the middle of the 21-year anniversary of our final prayer battle from 2001.
March 24, 2022. Donald Trump files court case against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (and many others) for fraudulently obstructing the election in 2016. This is the 21st anniversary of the end of the final prayer battle in 2001 obtaining a “divorce” from the golden calves. Prophetically speaking, Jehu is now fighting Jezebel in court.
March 26, 2022. Bank in South Africa holds board meeting, admits its crime, and agrees to give up the funds on Monday, March 28, 2022 by 3 pm. The bank was backed into a corner and had no choice but to settle the dispute.
March 28, 2022. Russia pegs its ruble (currency) to gold at 5,000 rubles per gram of gold. This means that the “unfriendly nations” in the EU and the US will have to pay for its Russian oil imports using a gold-backed ruble.
The Bank in South Africa finds the “missing” funds broken up into 17 different “suspense accounts,” which are accounts that are used to hold funds that are not yet designated as checking or savings accounts. It is a perfect way to hide finds, and by splitting up the fund into 17 smaller accounts, they were able to hide their criminal activity. The “error” is now exposed and acknowledged in the minutes of the board meeting.
However, transferring 17 accounts takes longer than just a single account, so the completion of this is delayed a day to March 29.
Q Gives Birth
The number 17, of course, is well known by the letter Q, the 17th letter of the English alphabet. The Q posts that began at the end of 2017 need little explanation, as we covered them in past years. These posts essentially were designed to point to crimes that should be investigated by those who might have the time and ability to search the internet.
Sandi Pink is a dog breeder (golden retrievers) in Canada. I have known her and her husband for more than 20 years and have been working with them closely for the past 2 years on a prophetic level. They are part of the team of intercessors for South Africa and have provided much good prophetic information and instruction in regard to the situation in South Africa.
On March 28, Sandi’s dog named “Q” went into labor. The father of the pups is named “Justice.” “Q” was delayed in giving birth and was “backed into a corner” of the living room and would not leave that spot. She gave birth last evening to nine pups. Dr. Manassas was the veterinarian.
As you know, Caleb and Joshua were the overcomers in their day having the faith to enter into the Promised Land. Caleb means “dog,” signifying faithfulness. There were nine pups born last evening. Nine is the biblical number of “Visitation.” (See The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty.)
Visitation is an Investigation
A biblical “visitation” is an investigation, which, in a New Testament context, refers to the investigation of the “fig tree” of Judah to see if there was any fruit on it (Matthew 3:8). Judah’s fig tree ultimately proved to be barren, so it was cursed (Matthew 21:19).
In our case, March 28/29, 2022 was the conclusion of the investigation, the moment of truth, where the bank was condemned and the overcomers were vindicated. The birth of the pups is about the birth of a new era of ministry. We have been praying since late December 2021 for protection against the Red Dragon, which seeks to devour the child as soon as he is born (Revelation 12:5).
Overthrowing the Red Dragon
From March 22-24, 2001 we fought to overthrow four demonic princes over America. One of them was the Red Dragon. On the same days in 2022 that victory surfaced, and in this case, the overthrow of the Red Dragon took the form of the bank’s capitulation and total defeat. It was necessary to defeat the Red Dragon before the “child” was born.
Another way of looking at it is that the dragon had to cough up the pearl. As most of you may recall, in the legends, dragons come from the sea (Revelation 13:1), and in order to maintain themselves on land, they must eat pearls. We may relate this to the dragon of death which swallowed up Jesus. After 3 days, the dragon had to cough Him up, and He rose from the dead. Note also the story of Jonah, where this is illustrated.
The long-awaited “child” is now born; the pearl of great price has been coughed up. This signals the beginning of the end of the beast empires. The page has been turned. In fact, we are now ready to read a new book. We are seeing this as a new birth of our ministry.
We know the main purpose of this new phase of ministry, but there is no way to really know what it will look like in the years ahead. Nonetheless, something new has begun just as we enter the new Hebrew year. Abib 1 (the first month of the Hebrew calendar) begins the evening of April 1.
Plans are now being drawn up to fly the team to South Africa about the time of Passover in the middle of the month. We should be gone about two weeks in an intense time of consultation, planning, and consecrating a new government.