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Showing 81-90 of -1 results

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The Polarization and Division in America

America is reaching a major turning point in history. I see it as a culture clash between Mystery Babylon and the New Jerusalem. But that is a biblical perspective. Most people se……

The Puerto Rico political scandal

Remember when the governor of Puerto Rico was bad-mouthing President Trump for not sending enough aid to the island after being hit with Hurricane Maria in 2017? Now, more th……

The Battle for the Kingdom

When the printing press technology was discovered and put to use in the 1440’s, the first major project was to print an edition of the German Bible in 1452. This changed the world……

How the rich and powerful bribed rappers to promote crime and violence before establishing private prisons

I have long been a critic of private prisons in America. I think that they represent a conflict of interest, since many judges and lawyers own shares of stock in those private ……

Taking time off this week

I will be taking a few days off this week for fellowship with friends. I don't think I will be writing a blog until later on in the week. Have a Happy New Year.

Trump is not yet impeached officially

This is one for the Supreme Court, no doubt. Although the House Democrats voted to impeach president Trump on December 18, Nancy Pelosi has refused to make it official by prese……

The seed of Abraham (song)

Good song; great message. I hope they know that the stars of heaven and sand of the sea far outnumber the number total number of people ever born in the earth. This is about the t……

The Unhyphenated American

We need more of these. Read his article about the conservative media destroying the fake news journalists hired by the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.……

The results of Relativism in the modern world

This illustrates what is happening in our schools, institutions, and government. After posting the video above, I came across thi……

A short history of our time

When President Roosevelt declared the American Republic to be bankrupt in 1933, he began to implement the change-over from a Christian Republic to a Socialist and Atheistic Democr……

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