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Blog Category - Bible Studies

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What is Baptism?

The word baptism is derived from a Greek word, baptisma. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word is usually tabal, “to dip,” as we see in Leviticus 14:6, 16, and 51. The Septuagint,……

What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

All sin is reckoned as a debt. Jesus came as a Redeemer to redeem us from sin-debt. However, not all are redeemed in their lifetime, for redemption is for those who accept Christ ……

What is a Son of God?

John 1:11-13 says, 11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children [technon……

What is the Divine Court? Part 2 (final)

There were three main courts that developed during biblical times. The judges that were appointed over each tribe in Exodus 18:21, 22 were the elders in Israel, as these were the ……

What is the Divine Court? Part 1

The Divine Court is both earthly and heavenly at the same time, yet the earliest decision (against Adam and Eve) was rendered from heaven alone in Genesis 3:17-19. We see the deci……

What is a Witness?

The Ninth Commandment in Exodus 20:16 says, 16 You shall not bear false witness [ayd] against your neighbor. The Hebrew word ayd means “to reiterate, affirm, testify.” Th……

What is Repentance?

There are two main Hebrew words in the Old Testament that mean “to repent.” The main word is shoob (“turn, turn back, return”) and the other is nacham (“comfort”). This shows that……

What is Justice? Part 2

Micah 6:8 tells us, 8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice [mishpat], to love kindness [hesed, “mercy, kindness”], and……

What is Justice?

Justice is defined by God’s law, which in turn is an expression of His nature. Justice is not distinct from grace and mercy, because these characteristics are also part of God’s n……

Number 73

In my weblog for February 18, 2023, on “What is Wisdom?” I mentioned that the numeric value of chokmah (“wisdom”) is 73. Job 12:12 tells us, 12 Wisdom is with aged men, wit……

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