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A Prophetic History of the United States--1914

The year 1914 was 2,520 years after Babylon became an empire … the modern era. It was a repeat performance 2,520 years after the original biblical empire.

A Prophetic History of the United States - 1917

I have already shown that 1914 was 2,520 years after Babylon became an Empire in 607 …B.C. Now we will see that 1917 was 2,520 years after Babylon conquered Jerusalem in 6

A Prophetic History of the United States--1917 Captivity Supplement

States was conquered by Babylon in 1914 on a 2,520 precisely 2,520 years after Babylon fell to Medo

Babylon--A Christian Nation

is a total of 2,520 years. This is one of the most important lon…g application of this cycle is the fact that 2,520 years after Israel began to be deported by t

The Great Competition

precisely 2,520 years after the original Babylon had become

The Law of First Fruits--Part 2

2,520 years

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 1

1917 as being 2,520 years after the rise of Babylon and their su…260 is half of 2,520. Daniel…points 2,520 years later. In studying these end…rophetic History of the United States. These 2,520

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 2

ock market crash in the year 1929 marked the 2,520th anniversary of the beginning of the book o… 2,520 years later

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 6

1933. The year 1933 was also 2,520 years after 588 B.C.… which was 2,520 years later. It was the year America lost it

Where We Are in Prophecy--Part 7

was important in another way as well. It was 2,520 years … was 2,520 years later. The foundation of the second…a to begin rebuilding after their captivity. 2,520 years later is 1987 A.D.

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