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If you have understood what I have written up to now, one major point should stand out to you: All Christian Nations, beginning with Israel under Moses, have failed to live up to their promises and obligations to bring righteousness into the world. That is, they have failed to implement the Kingdom of God and His righteousness as nations "under God." All of them (by definition) declared the God of the Bible to be sovereign, but they ruled as if God would rubber-stamp even their carnal decrees.
The core issue is this: Does being "chosen" mean that God has chosen someone or some nation to rule in whatever manner He chooses--with God always backing that chosen one, whether or not he is ruling justly? Those who believe so are defining "chosen" incorrectly.
To be "chosen" means that God will hold that person or nation accountable to bring righteousness into the earth and to do it God's way; for he is responsible to know the law of God and His mind in implementing it properly. Israel itself lost the birthright when that nation rebelled against God. Judah lost it later for the same reason, when God gave the dominion mandate to Babylon. Babylon lost it to Persia; and Persia lost it to Greece. Greece lost it to Rome, and Rome lost it to the Roman Church, the "little horn."
This is the progression of prophetic history, which, unfortunately, is not well understood.
In each of these cases, the rise of nations overlapped each other. The Church was born in 33 A.D. on the day of Pentecost, while the Roman Empire was at the height of power. When Rome fell in 476 A.D., the Church assumed the leadership role to fill the vacuum.
But the Church had already gone through its own stages of development by this time. It started out as a way of life based upon a direct relationship with Jesus Christ. In its second Jubilee cycle, it began to be organized as a religion with a priesthood modeled after the Old Testament, with the common people subservient to other men. The priesthood assumed authority over the Lamb's Book of Life, and thus were thought to have the power to determine people's eternal destiny according to their relationship with the religion and its priests.
Religion demanded that men have a direct relationship with the earthly organization and maintain only an indirect relationship with Jesus Himself. In time, Jesus was seen as aloof and stern, an "angry God" that could only be approached by a few very righteous saints. People had to go to a priest or saint or Jesus' mother in order to reach Him. This indirect relationship with Christ is the primary feature of the Old Covenant, not the New. I explained this in my book on Old and New Covenant Marriage.
The Christian religion then began to exert political influence in 313 A.D., and this reached a certain climax in 529, when Emperor Justinian made Church Law into Roman Law. In the year 800 A.D. the Holy Roman Empire was established, where the kings owed their crowns to the Roman Pope.
The remnants of the Eastern Roman Empire fell in 1453, and the diminished Holy Roman Empire ended in 1919 when the Hapsburg dynasty was exiled from Austria.
Meanwhile, in late 1917 British troops took control of Jerusalem, beginning their 21-year "Palestinian Mandate." God's purpose here was to give Jerusalem back into the hands of "Jacob" [the British flag called, "Union Jack"], so that Jacob could return the Dominion Mandate to Esau, from whom he had stolen it in Genesis 27:19.
"Jacob" then gave Palestine back to the legal representatives of Esau-Edom in 1948, after 31 years.
Meanwhile again, Mystery Babylon was established through the Federal Reserve System in 1914, precisely 2,520 years after the original Babylon had become an Empire (607 B.C.). The rise of modern Mystery Babylon divided America into ten regions, which are today identified by "zip codes" from zero through nine. These are the real "ten toes" of the Babylonian image.
In the past century, prophecy preachers preached long and hard about the Club of Rome (common market of Europe) as being the revived Roman Empire. Of course, Europe is part of this Babylonian system. I do not question that. In fact, it is the European counterpart to the American Federal Reserve System. It should not be surprising to see the revived Roman Empire having two legs or branches. Each is based upon the principle of usury and the power of private bankers to create money out of nothing and then loan it to governments at interest.
They are as much rivals as partners, even as were the Eastern and Western halves of the Roman Empire. But the predictions of the prophecy teachers were incorrect when they taught that the common market would ultimately include just ten nations. Now there are 25 member nations. So they were proved to be wrong and ought to admit it.
But the point to see is that in 1948 Esau-Edom's legal representatives (i.e. the Zionists) set up their own "chosen nation" in the midst of all these overlapping and often competing interests. When they developed nuclear weapons in 1967, they were able to use those weapons to blackmail American presidents into helping them win all wars. The alternative was to see a threatened Israeli government use nuclear weapons, killing millions of people, and turning the world into a very dangerous place to live.
Thousands of years ago, Esau killed Nimrod and usurped his garments by which he ruled Babylon. That story is recorded in the book of Jasher, not Scripture, but still an ancient history book. This set the modern pattern, for Edom has again taken over the power structure and authority of Mystery Babylon and its economic control by the authority to create money.
The past century has thus brought all the competing interests of the past to the final battlefield of history. Each believes itself to be "chosen." Who will prevail? The Roman Church believes that "the gates of hell will not prevail" over her religion. The Edom-Jewish alliance now calls itself "Israel," usurping the birthright of Joseph, even as the Scepter was stolen from Jesus in the first century. To these may be added scores of lesser religious groups, each believing that they are the chosen ones.
Who will win in the end? Who are the real people chosen to rule? They are the ones who have the mind of Christ and His character. All others have been given opportunity to prove themselves unworthy, including the descendants of Esau who presently oppress the Palestinians. But they are not the only ones, as I have shown in this series. The bottom line is that God will not put carnal men into positions of government in the Stone Kingdom that is now arising. It does not matter if they are descendants of previously chosen people or not. It matters not whether they call themselves "Israel" or not. All that matters is their relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the King.
To be chosen will require first of all a personal and direct relationship with Jesus Christ, for that is the basis of the New Covenant. All Christian governments of the past have been ruled by carnal men and have been based upon the Old Covenant type of rulership and priesthood.
To obtain a direct relationship with Christ, one must experience Passover (justification by faith). But to obtain the prize of the high calling of God--the birthright--and receive authority in God's Kingdom, one must be an overcomer. To be an overcomer, one must walk the path of Pentecost, the wilderness experience that brings Sanctification to those who discard heart bitterness along the path to the Promised Land.