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Blog Category - Site News

Showing 131-140 of -1 results

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Revelation Book 5 now available!

Revelation Book 5 is available for online viewing! You can also purchase the physical book on our store, or you can purchase the kindle version.

The New GKM Site - What's changed

Hey everyone! Since we've officially launched the new GKM Site, we wanted to make a quick post dedicated to letting you guys know what's changed between the old site and the ……

Bible Verse Popup Issues

Hey everyone, We received a couple reports from users saying that bible verse popups weren't working. After looking into it a bit, it seems that some of the popups work, whil……

Regarding feedback and messages submitted on GKM

We recently discovered that all of the questions submitted on GKM, and also any submitted feedback, has been automatically placed in the spam folder for email notifications for th……

Conference Center and Translated Books released!

We have finished our rework of both Translated Books and the Conference Center! Translated Books Translated Books used to be a separate section on the old site, this time……

Regarding Twitter Posting

Hey Everyone, As some of you may have noticed, the GKM Twitter Account has not been posting automatic tweets of new blog posts. This was a feature that was integrated into an a……

Out of town

I will be out of town for the next week on important business in regard to the current 76-day cycle as it relates to similar cycles in past years. Much is happening behind the sce……

Temporary Glitch in Contact Form -- Fixed

This is just a quick update to let you all know that we had a bug in our form to Contact Dr. Jones (the form can be found here) that was not allowing messages to be sent. This is ……

Recent Issues with Email Notifications

We have had several reports over the last few months of users not receiving emails of new blog posts, and this appears to have been an ongoing problem with little reason as to why……

Update on the state of the old GKM website

When we launched the new version of the GKM website over a year ago, we decided to keep the old site online to give some time for people to adjust to everything that had changed. ……

Showing 131-140 of -1 results

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