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We have finished our rework of both Translated Books and the Conference Center!
Translated Books
Translated Books used to be a separate section on the old site, this time we've integrated them directly into the Book list. You can filter by language by selecting the language from the left sidebar. You can also click on the language code on the list item (such as ES for Spanish, or FR for French, etc.) to view the book in that language. You can also select a different language for the book (if it's available in another language) via the dropdown on the book page itself.
Conference Center
The Conference Center has been significantly updated from the old site. Once you visit the page, you can see the next upcoming conference at the top of the page. If there is no upcoming conference, it will show the most recent conference. When viewing a conference, you can see all the details that were available before, in a much cleaner format. Any available recordings for that conference are available on the page itself, with easy switching between recordings.
As these are newly released, please let us know if you spot any issues in your particular browser by sending us a message over on our Contact page.
- GKM Development Team