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Blog Category - Prophetic

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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A Time of Unprecedented Disaster

It is quite normal that the Lord speaks to me in the morning as I awake to give me the theme of each day's web log. Today I awoke with the word, "We are entering a time of unprece……

The Preparation Year: 2006

Calendars throughout history have each had their own starting points for the year. There is another that I work with most of the time, which I call "The Prophetic Year." It begins……

Tom and Mark Foley

Last week's resignation of Florida Congressman Mark Foley is an interesting double witness to the resignation of Congressman Tom Foley back on Nov. 29, 1994. Recall that in 199……

Lazarus: The Seventh Sign

Each year since 1999-2000 we have noted how the miracle-signs in the Gospel of John reveal something of the divine plan year by year. These signs overlay the seven vials of wine, ……

Resurrection and Earthquake

Thank-you for praying with us in regard to our 'Tabernacles conference this past week end. It was truly the best conference that I have ever seen. There is no way that I could beg……

Former Pastor Ted Haggard

A number of you have seen a connection between Hagar and Haggard and wondered if there is anything to this. Years ago, I would have thought the connection was ridiculous, but I ha……

Prophetic History of Nov 21-29: Part 1

On November 21, 1947 the United Nations was presented the Palestinian Resolution. It was debated and then passed on November 29, 1947. Forty years later, on Nov. 29, 1987, I wa……

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 2

It is easy to see how so many people can become discouraged by the Time Factor when following the leading of the Lord. When we begin this journey, we assume that God speaks clearl……

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 3

In 1993 the Lord told us that the purpose of the Jubilee Prayer Campaign was for the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. Knowing that a world system like this does not collapse overnigh……

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 4

Whenever Nov. 21-29 has manifested over the years, it has revealed the divine plan on some level. Some movement occurs each time, with the primary theme being moving to or from "E……

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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