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Blog Category - Health

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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Scientific study completed on genetically modified foods and Roundup

The use of Roundup was approved by government officials, based upon 90-day studies of its effects upon rats. But now the most complete study has been finished, based upon the enti……

Florida doctor using coconut oil to reverse Alzheimers and other related diseases This could change your life. Do you know anyone with Alzheimers, Parkinsons, HIV, or related diseases? I get cocon……

Drug tip

I thought this might be of interest to you or someone you know. LONDON, Ontario (UPI) — More ……

Beware of Pork Majority of U.S. pork supply tainted with deadly drugs, bacteria (NaturalNews) The next time you reach for th……

Food and Revolutions

In the past months, food prices have been going up, as floods and fires have destroyed many crops in the world. Warnings have been sounded, as many of you have already heard. But ……

Potassium Iodate Available Again

We received a shipment of Potassium Iodate today and will be sending out the back orders immediately. For those of you who need some, let me know. You can order through PayPal ……

Meat Glue to fool you,,-1,0 Something new to watch for in order to defend yourself against bacteria a……

Nuclear Pack (nutritional products) now available

Last March a tsunami hit Japan causing some nuclear power plants to melt down. Radioactive materials (such as Strontium and Cesium) were released into the ocean and the atmosphere……

Another reason to consider taking Modified Citrus Pectin

Many of us suffer from various levels of mercury poisoning without realizing it. One way to expel mercury from the body is by taki……

Radiation article from the BBC, and my comments

Here are some important news items in an article about the effects of nuclear radiation, which I find interesting. How does radiation have an impact on health? Radioactive m……

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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