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We received a shipment of Potassium Iodate today and will be sending out the back orders immediately.
For those of you who need some, let me know. You can order through PayPal by clickingon the "Donation" button on our front page.
Because of the emergency in Japan, it appears that everyone is in short supply. I would guess that a lot is being shipped there. Japan was as unprepared as nearly everyone else. So, of course, the price will be going up the next time that I order. The raw material from the suppliers is going up, as they take advantage of the short supplies.
Fortunately for us, the news media has been advocating Potassium Iodide, rather than Iodate, so the price of Iodide is going up at a faster rate than for Iodate.
If you live in Tokyo, you should be already protecting your thyroid with Iodide or Iodate. There are small amounts being detected here in America, but not enough yet to warrant taking it. The radiation detectors are quite sophisticated and can detect very small amounts of radioactive iodine and other radioactive materials. But just because radioactivity can be detected does not mean that you should start taking Iodide or Iodate yet.
We are also concerned about radioactive strontium, cesium, plutonium, and other things. Though the levels are small and will not have an immediate effect on our bodies, there are certainly long-term effects even from those small amounts. We are currently formulating and putting together a "Nuclear Pack" of a half dozen items that are designed to remove those harmful substances from your body.
We will have more to say about that when the packs are ready for production and distribution.
At the moment, we are offering bottltes of Potassium Iodate, still for $15, which is the same price as before. My supplier was able to get it at a good price just before the prices went up.
Each bottle is a 50-day supply for 2 adults (i.e., 200 tablets). You may want to go back to some of my earlier blogs on this topic to catch up on your essential reading.