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Blog Category - Health

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Update on Potassium Iodate Orders

My weblog from April 11 mentioned that we had a supply of potassium iodate for $15/bottle of 180 tablets to be taken if or when some sort of nuclear accident or incident should oc……

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, M.D. on Cancer

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is an Italian medical doctor and a Christian. He wrote the book, Cancer is a Fungus. He also proposes a very inexpensive and more effective treatment for c……

Supplementary Question and Answer

This morning a friend called to ask for clarity on an important question: Specifically, how does one abort the Manchild? I felt that many probably would like a more concrete answe……

Creation's Nutrients Discount Available

I wrote the other day to let you know how to obtain nutritional products from Creation's Nutrients (manufactured by my friend, Doug Evers of Eversco). To obtain an additional 1……

Disease from Genetically Modified Foods

Here is an interesting article about how the great FrankenFood experiment in America may be causing Morgellon's Disease. Below is a partial quote from:……

Studies show unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children

Here is an interesting article comparing the health of vaccinated children with those who are not vaccinated.……

Feds suppress good health research (NaturalNews) There are all sorts of ways the federal government actively poisons the population: ……

Vaccines suspended at UK school after 15 students collapse

This occurred on or about the 26th of January 2016, which is the date of the letter that the school sent to the parents of the affected children.……

Brazilian Shrunken Head Babies: Zika or TDAP?

Is it a coincidence that the so-called “Zika virus” epidemic coincides with Brazil’s decision in late 2014 to give all pregnant women the TDAP vaccination as routine? https://b……

Zika virus owned by Rockefeller Foundation

If the Zika virus is causing such an epidemic these days, perhaps one of the victims should sue its owners of the patent—the Rockefeller Foundation.……

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