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Habakkuk: Prophet of Faith, part 5

22 speaks of the day when the little hornthe earth. This seems to imply that the little horn is to be replaced by a big horn

Kingdom vision, part 6

the little horn. The Little Horn Justinian…little horn then the time of the little horn would have lasted just 3½ years…little hornlittle horn

Kingdom vision, part 7

little horn.…. This little horn was to make great boasts and would wage war … the prophecy was fulfilled that the little horn would overpower and overcome even the saints

Kingdom vision, part 8

s little horn was given dominion for … said clearly that the little horn would have dominion and overpower the saints

Kingdom vision, part 9

rt that the end had come for the laws of the little horn to remain in effect and for God

Chapter 5: The Prophet’s Song

22 speaks of the day when the little hornthe earth. This seems to imply that the little horn is to be replaced by a big horn

What is Eternity? Part 3, final

little horn

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