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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Work of the House of Joseph." To view all parts, click the link below.
The election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI temporarily disrupted the plans of the liberal faction which was trying to entrench “Liberation Theology” into the Roman Church. Benedict was to the Church theologically what Donald Trump would later be to the USA politically.
Ratzinger/Benedict’s reign was really made possible by his predecessor, John Paul II, who, in 1981, had appointed Ratzinger as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith—known in past centuries as the Office of the Inquisition. The modern Inquisition, of course, is nothing like it used to be in past centuries, as the Church was forced to abandon those policies of torture and waterboarding in the 1800’s.
Liberation Theology
In the 1960’s and 1970’s the big issue was Liberation Theology, a Marxist philosophy from South America that tried to merge Christianity with Marxism. Time Magazine wrote an article on this in its issue dated May 2, 2005, saying on page 44,
“… Ratzinger was out ahead of his Pope: the Cardinal’s decade-long campaign against liberation theology. Liberation theologists, most of them Latin Americans, interpreted Gaudium et Spec’ demand the church be in solidarity with ‘the poor’ as encouragement to engage in a king of social gospel activism involving… common rhetoric (and in some case cooperation) with Marxist activists against repressive local oligarchies. A few priests even took up guns…
“Ratzinger’s censures, silencings and broadsides over the length of the 1980’s effectively crippled the philosophy’s influence and wounded the prestige of the sympathizers like the Jesuits.”
Malachi Martin had condemned vigorously the Jesuits in his book, The Jesuits, complaining that they had essentially staged a revolt against Pope Paul VI in 1974. He says that they were heavily involved in Liberation Theology, which, to them, apparently included being liberated from papal authority.
This new theology, in turn, was powered by the decision in the Vatican II Church Council (1963-1965) which had redefined the Church as “the people of God.” In other words, the Church was no longer officially the Institution with its hierarchy, but was actually the people themselves. Though Martin was scandalized by this, as seen in his books, this is actually the biblical definition of the church.
The Hebrew word kahal is everywhere translated “assembly” or “congregation,” and this word finds its Greek equivalent in the word ecclesia. These words were never meant to apply to the Institution—neither Moses’ tabernacle nor Solomon’s temple nor the priestly system as a whole. Yet Malachi Martin defended the old system and the pre-1965 definition of “church.”
Vatican II changed the definition of church, bringing it back to the first-century definition. The Jesuits seized upon this as an excuse to stage a revolt against the pope, causing Martin to resign from the Jesuit Order.
The irony is that while the Jesuits were busy implementing Liberation Theology, based on the decision of Vatican II, the same decision opened a window of the Holy Spirit in the Church that sparked the Charismatic Movement. Although that movement was a natural successor to the earlier Latter Rain Movement (1948-1952) and then the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship (1955), the Charismatic Movement began as a Roman Catholic movement in the mid-1960’s.
In my view the Charismatic Movement was important because it marked the start of the 70th Manchild Generation in the Church.
Seventy Manchild Generation
Normally, a woman becomes fertile about every 28 days. On a prophetic scale, this prophesies of a 28-year period in the Church during which the Manchild (“sons of God”) may be conceived and potentially brought to full birth.
Seventy such Manchild Generations (70 x 28 years) are a total of 1,960 years, which is the same as 40 Jubilees (40 x 49). The reign of the Church as King Saul continued for 40 Jubilees from 33 to 1993 A.D. Then “Saul” died, and the house of David began to arise, as we have shown.
The same time frame can be measured in 70 cycles of 28 years as well, with the final Manchild Generation cycle beginning in 1965 and ending in 1993. This is significant, because the Church has either miscarried or aborted the Manchild for 70 generations, thus disqualifying itself from the body of overcomers during the reign of “Saul.”
On a deeper level, we understand that Saul himself was of the tribe of Benjamin and was therefore not called to rule over Israel. The tribe of Judah had that calling (Genesis 49:10). Yet when the people demanded a king (1 Samuel 8:5, 6), God gave them their desire. Hence, on the surface, Saul’s calling as king was legitimate, but on a deeper level, he was not called to be king and was thus doomed to fail from the start.
1965-1993 was the 70th Manchild Generation given to the house of Saul in which they might potentially bring forth the sons of God. But to do so, they would have to embrace the house of Joseph, which had been given the Fruitfulness Mandate (Genesis 49:22). Without being in unity with Joseph-Ephraim, the Church could not possibly fulfill this Mandate.
The Charismatic Movement occurred just as the Church entered its 70th Manchild Generation in 1965. The coincidence suggests that this was a move of the Holy Spirit that begat the sons of God, and if the Church had not miscarried or aborted the Manchild, it had the potential of bringing forth those sons in 1993.
Unfortunately, the church both miscarried from lack of strength and also deliberately aborted the Manchild in 1985. I wrote about this in my small booklet, The Prophetic Roots of Modern Abortion. The story is too long to repeat here.
The point is that under the rule of Pope Paul VI (1963-1978), Liberation Theology flourished. When he died, Pope John Paul I ruled briefly for just 33 days before he was murdered by his own Secretary of State before he could expose the financial corruption in the Church. This murder was discussed fully in David Yallop’s book, In God’s Name, An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I.
John Paul I was then replaced by Pope John Paul II, who understood that he was not powerful enough to reverse the financial corruption of the Vatican Bank. Instead, he began to rebuild the College of Cardinals in his own conservative image, so that perhaps a future pope might resolve the corruption problem. So Time Magazine reported on May 2, 2005, page 33,
“By the time of his death, he had appointed 115 of the 117 Cardinals eligible to vote, stacking the college with men who were more likely to want to continue his conservative policies. Just as important, in the ensuing months most of the influential Cardinals of liberal stripes would pass the voting age limit of 80.”
Malachi Martin laments the fact that Pope John Paul II had never attempted to stop the liberal bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinals from going against papal policies. But the pope knew that if he came against them directly, he too might be murdered. So he sought to build support in an indirect way over a period of decades. When he died in 2005, his long-term policy appeared to be successful when his conservative successor, Pope Benedict, was chosen.
However, this Pope was forced to resign on February 28, 2013, and he was replaced by Pope Francis, a Cardinal from Argentina. As a Jesuit, he was part of the Liberation Theology movement as well as other liberal causes.
The bottom line is that Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI both failed to correct their spiritual children. While we may excuse them for doing what was necessary to stay alive, nonetheless, they played the role of Eli, the high priest who also failed to correct his children. Though Eli rebuked his corrupt sons, he did not expel them from the priesthood (1 Samuel 2:22-25).
The result is that the Roman Church has now fully sided with the Deep State, showing its Babylonian colors. For those with eyes to see, God has exposed the Vatican’s sin. God intends to bring judgment upon that Church, even as He intended to bring judgment upon Eli’s sons, who “would not listen to the voice of their father, for the Lord desired to put them to death” (1 Samuel 2:25).
Peter the Roman
In the prophecies of St. Malachy, given in the year 1140 A.D., he described 111 popes who were yet to come. Then he wrote of a final pope:
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed, and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”
Pope Benedict XVI was the 111th pope on Malachy’s list before “Peter the Roman.” The prophecy does not say specifically that “Peter the Roman” would be the 112th pope. It is left unclear whether there were to be more popes between the 111th pope and the last pope. But it is my personal opinion, based on related timing of events, that Pope Francis is very likely the last pope under whose watch “the seven-hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed.”
Francis is the reigning pope at the time that the beast governments lost their divine mandate in October of 2017. The coincidence of timing appears to indicate that Francis is the one who will see the judgment of God upon the Vatican. The “Eternal City” will not be so eternal after all, and Catholics should have heeded St. Augustine’s book, City of God. He argued that the City of God was a spiritual city, not the physical city of Rome. I believe he was right.
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Work of the House of Joseph." To view all parts, click the link below.