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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Work of the House of Joseph." To view all parts, click the link below.
Malachi Martin (now deceased) was a long-time Catholic Jesuit until the 1960’s, when the Jesuit Order changed its theology in the wake of Vatican II (1963-1965). After investigating what had happened in the Vatican, he wrote a novel called Windswept House, showing the results of his investigation.
What happened was so astounding and horrible to him that he wrote the events as a novel, rather than as a documentary. Yet in his other writings he confirmed that as a young priest at the time, he had discovered this, and so the main character in the book represented himself.
Essentially, he discovered that when Pope Paul VI was installed on June 29, 1963, a parallel ceremony had taken place which was called “Enthronement.” It involved a ritual sacrifice of a seven-week old puppy and the ritual rape of a little girl. Martin used a pseudonym for the girl, “Agnes.” The Enthronement dedicated the Roman Church to Lucifer, using unholy vows which actually disavowed those being done in Rome during ceremony installing Pope Pius VI.
Malachi Martin’s Windswept House
This is the main theme of Malachi Martin’s book, Windswept House. On page 7 he writes,
“The Enthronement of the fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principle agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement—the signal that the Availing Time had begun—had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line…
“Security was so tight in the grouping of Vatican buildings within which this gem of a Chapel lay that the full panoply of the Ceremonial could not possibly escape detection here. If the aim was to be achieved—if the Ascent of the Prince was actually to be accomplished in the Availing Time—then every element of the Celebration of the Calvary Sacrifice must be turned on its head by the other opposite Celebration. The sacred must be profaned. The profane must be adored. The unbloody representation of the Sacrifice of the Nameless Weakling on the Cross must be replaced by the supreme and bloody violation of the dignity of the Nameless One. Guilt must be accepted as innocence. Pain must give joy. Grace, repentance, pardon must all be drowned in an orgy of opposites. And it must all be done without mistakes. The sequence of events, the meaning of the words, the significance of the actions must all comprise the perfect enactment of sacrilege, the ultimate ritual of treachery.”
Because of security at the papal inauguration, it was obvious to the Satanists that they could not do their ritual on site, so they decided to do it in South Carolina as a “Parallel Enthronement.” I believe it was done in Charleston, S.C., because that location was so important to the Masonic Order. It was where Masonry was established in America, and Charleston served as the Masonic headquarters until it was moved to Washington D.C. to the top of the “wick” of the “candle” represented by 16th Street from the White House to Scott Circle.
Charleston’s location on the 33rd degree parallel was the same as Mount Hermon, where the angels “fell,” according to the Book of Enoch. So there came to be 33 degrees of Masonry. On pages 8 and 9 Martin continues, speaking of a high-ranking Vatican official that Martin identifies only as “The Guardian,”
“There would have to be a Parallel Enthronement… For a man as experienced as the Guardian, the choice of the Targeting Chapel was easy. As simple as a phone call to the United States. Over the years, the Prince’s adherents in Rome had developed a faultless unanimity of heart and a seamless identity of intention with the Guardian’s friend, Leo, Bishop of the Chapel in South Carolina.
“Leo was not the man’s name. It was his description…
“Leo’s roster of Participants—men and women who had made their mark in corporate, government and social life—was every bit as impressive as the Guardian had expected. But the Victim, His Excellency said—a child—would be truly a prize for the Violation-of-Innocence…
“Leo could imagine the rest. The Enthronement Event would create a perfect covering, opaque and velvet smooth, to conceal the Prince within the official Church membership of the Roman Citadel. Enthroned in Darkness, the Prince would be able to foment that same Darkness as never before… In time and at least, the Goat would expel the Lamb and enter into Possession of the Citadel. The Prince would usher himself into possession of a house—The House—that was not his.”
That Parallel Enthronement occurred 42 years earlier (1963-2005). That is a significant number, seeing as how Clinton had been the 42nd president, and Bush was then the 42nd man to be president. It is just one more “42” that speaks of the end of the “time of Jacob’s trouble.”
Martin also made it clear that Pope John Paul II was informed at the beginning of his papacy that he would be the last pope before the big change would be implemented in the Institutional Church. He agreed to this and kept his word, doing nothing overt to stop it. But the best laid plans often fail, especially when Christians like us intervene through spiritual warfare.
Thus, after John Paul II died in April of 2005, the cardinals elected Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI on April 19. This really threw the Catholic liberal wing and their Satanist-Masonic-Pedophile leaders into a tailspin, as I will soon show.
We are obviously dealing with full-blown Babylonian Satanism operating within the Vatican itself. But the news is good, because in November 2001, guided only by His voice, we were led to begin a final decree against Satan—which would have an effect upon the hierarchy of Satanists here on earth.
Blessed Time: 3 x 490 days
I have already shown how Pope John Paul II’s funeral on April 8, 2005 was precisely 3 x 414 days after the end of our prayer campaign (November 14, 2001). Being a Cursed Time cycle, this was the negative side of the court case and prayer campaign, in which we overcame Satan and his forces. Once that prayer campaign was completed, we declared that the overcomers were crowned on the same day (November 14). In other words, we bound Satan and his angels and replaced them with the overcomers.
Crowning the overcomers was the positive side of this prayer campaign. After the 3 x 414 day cycle ended with the death and burial of the pope, it occurred to me that we might also see a positive result or sign on the longer cycle of 3 x 490 days, which is based on Blessed Time. I mentioned this in The Lord’s Doing special bulletin, dated May 2, 2005 (volume 9, issue 2), where I wrote:
“The rest of the prayer campaign (Nov. 9-14, 2001) had to do with more positive things, such as the overcomers’ ministry in the soon-coming “Millennium of Rest.” I do not think that these dates will continue unfolding on the 3 x 414 day cycle, simply because they are not part of the judgment (cursed time). It seems more likely that they would follow a 3 x 490 day cycle, and if so, we will have to watch events toward the end of this year—November 17-22, 2005.”
At the time, this was simply a watch date, which was soon buried in the sheer volume of events and discernments in the later months of 2005. When November 22 arrived, I totally forgot that this had been a watch date for the past six months. Nonetheless, I recorded the event in my notes and finally made the connection TODAY, June 23, 2021. I was only 16 years late. Gimme a break!
Recall the time when the seven princes over America filed their court case against the overcomers on January 29, 2001. On that date (an hour after giving our answer in the divine court) I received an angry letter in the mail from a Pentecostal Christian who was indignant that I would teach that all mankind will be saved in the end. She was especially disturbed that I would engage in spiritual warfare to bring about this restoration of all things. So she commanded me to cease and desist, stop all travel, and repent for having caused “great harm” to her spiritual army.
3 x 414 days later came to June 23, 2004, when I had the deliverance session with Lori, casting out the spirit of Baphomet. Not only was she set free, but she was also healed of color blindness and deafness in one ear. A great weight was removed from her shoulders, and she literally danced around my office like a happy little child. She was set free after 27 years of bondage, brought about by her Masonic parents who had dedicated her to Baphomet as a child. (Her 32nd degree Mason father used to write all the sermons for the United Methodist Church in Minnesota.)
Once delivered, it immediately rained torrents for about a half hour, sending rivers of water swirling in the parking lot outside the office. I took that as a sign of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
The point is that this 3 x 414 day Cursed Time cycle, applied to the seven princes over America, ended with Baphomet being cast out on June 23, 2004. I did not notice the timing of this at the time. In fact, I did not see it until Pope John Paul II died and this cycle began to unfold. These cycles occur whether we see it or not, because the cycles are independent of us. We, in turn, depend on the Holy Spirit to give us the insights at the appropriate times.
Incidentally, Lori was a lesbian as well. Her father wanted a boy; her mother wanted a girl. So they compromised by making her a girl for a year and then a boy for a year, switching off and on for some time. She was very confused, but this too was part of the spirit of Baphomet, which is pictured as a goat whose body was half male and half female.
Two months after delivering Lori from the spirit of Baphomet, she woke up one morning (August 2004) and said, “I’m not a lesbian anymore!” I do not know why it took two months for her to be healed in this way. It was just a God thing. All I know is that after I cast out Baphomet from her, I immediately prayed for her complete healing. Her eyes and ears were healed within a few seconds, but her lesbian tendency took two months to be healed.
It is easy to heal people when their condition is caused by an evil spirit. Cast out the evil spirit, and the problem is largely solved. I have not had much success when disease has other causes.
So what happened 3 x 490 days after the crowning of the overcomers on November 14, 2001? The date comes out to November 22, 2005, when Lori and her ex-partner, Danny, were baptized. As I said earlier, this was the positive side of the prayer campaign in 2001.
When Lori was delivered, and when My wife and I went to her apartment to cleanse it from all the weird stuff going on there, Danny remained at arm’s length. She did not understand what was happening, and it took her a long time to process it in her mind. Lori and Danny attended our Tabernacles conference in September of 2005 in Denver, where Danny was able to see the high quality of people in attendance. She heard testimonies from those who had been raised from the dead by the power of Jesus. I even called Lori to the front, where she testified of Christ in regard to her own deliverance experience.
Two months later—on our watch date—Danny asked Lori to call me on the telephone and ask me to come to their apartment. She wanted to become a believer. I went immediately, of course, and I had the pleasure of leading Danny to Christ, even as I had led Lori to Christ 1½ years earlier. I then baptized both of them.
Danny was an avid studier, and she quickly threw herself fully into Bible study. She quickly became a strong believer. She died of a massive heart attack about two years later. But she died a believer in Christ.
Reflections on God’s Ways
When we do the work in the Divine Court or in spiritual warfare, we never know what results we will see in the future, nor do we necessarily know the time cycles to watch. Our immediate focus is to do what the Spirit leads us to do, leaving the results in the hands of God. We cannot ask, “If I do this, what will be the result?” So often people want to know the result ahead of time so that they might decide whether or not to be obedient.
We have learned that when God tells us to do something, we should not question Him. Neither should we base our response on whether or not we approve of the result. The only thing we should question is whether or not we have heard Him correctly. We do have a right to pray through a situation until we know that we have heard His voice correctly. Even then we also have the right to get a double witness.
In the case of the “Millennium of Rest” prayer campaign in November of 2001, I had not yet met Lori and Danny, nor did I have any idea how the prayer campaign would affect them. As it turned out, their baptism on November 22, 2005 was the endpoint of the Blessed Time cycle of 3 x 490 days from the coronation of the overcomers on November 14, 2001.
In other words, God chose Lori and Danny, two lesbians with severe demonic problems, to be delivered and to find Christ so that they might represent the overcomers being crowned. God put them on a Blessed Time cycle in 2001 before they even knew Christ. At the same time, God brought judgment upon the Roman Church, putting the pope on Cursed Time for 3 cycles of 414 days.
God’s ways are not our ways. Isaiah 55:7-9 says,
7 “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Christ came “not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32).
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Work of the House of Joseph." To view all parts, click the link below.