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President Obama is prophesying once again (inadvertently, of course).
He mentions specifically 153 bridges that need repair in North Carolina alone. Right now, we are in the midst of Operation Jericho in Minnesota. Our state is 153 years old this year (as of last May).
Operation Jericho is designed to break down the walls in the Church (Jericho). To do this requires people who are willing to be BRIDGES that connect people and bring unity to the body. This is a job for the Sons of God (beni h'elohim, numeric value: 153). Hence, Obama's statement speaks into this situation:
President Obama has a new argument for his new jobs bill: Prevent another bridge collapse, as happened in Minneapolis in 2007.
"Why would we wait to act until another bridge falls?" Obama today during his speech in Raleigh, N.C. promoting new infrastructure improvements included in his proposed American Jobs Act....
"There are a lot of roads and a lot of bridges that need fixing. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in schools and airports.
All these things are in need of repair. In North Carolina alone, there are 153 structurally deficient bridges that need to be repaired."