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I recommend listening to this one-hour teaching (broken up into 3 segments of 20 minutes each) by Jonathan Cahn. He is a messianic Jew from Beth-Israel in New York, and he shows how the events of 9-11-01 were the modern fulfillment of Isaiah 9:8-11. I was surprised at all of the connections and believe that he is absolutely correct here.
You can also get the essential facts in writing on his site by clicking on the link at the top of his site: "8 Harbingers."
Isaiah 9:8-11 was God's warning against the ancient House of Israel ("Beth-Israel") when the Assyrians began deporting the first few Israelites. God meant it as a warning of full judgment to come, but the people did not repent. Instead, they decided to "rebuild" and make their defenses stronger. In other words, they decided to defend themselves against God.
10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth ("hewn") stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.
When the Twin Towers were demolished, the news accounts mentioned that the "bricks" had been broken. The sycamore tree near the old chapel at Ground Zero was hit by a steel beam from the North Tower and was "cut down."
This chapel was the place where George Washington led the entire Congress in 1789--after passing the Constitution and establishing the new nation--in order to pray for America's protection. That divine hedge of protection ended in 9-11-01.
The next day, on September 12, 2001, Senator Tom Daschle addressed the world in the Joint Response of the Nation on the Senate floor in Washington D.C., saying,
Mr. President, it is with pain, sorrow, anger, and resolve that I stand before this Senate, a symbol for 212 years [since 1789] of the strength of our Democracy, and say that America will emerge from this tragedy as we have emerged from all adversity, united and strong...
The world should know that the Members of both parties in both Houses stand united. The full resources of our Government will be brought to bear in aiding the search and rescue and in hunting down those responsible and those who may have aided or harbored them.
Nothing, nothing can replace the losses that have suffered. I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation. But there is a passage in the Bible, from Isaiah, that I think speaks to all of us at times such as this:
The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees [sycamores] have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.
That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover. The people of America stand strong together, because the people of America have always stood together. And those of us privileged to serve this great Nation will stand with you."
Two years later, on November 22, 2003 the cedar "Tree of Hope" was planted to replace the fallen sycamore. This was 10 years after the start of our Jubilee Prayer Campaign (Nov. 21-29, 1993).
On July 4, 2004, the hewn stone was set as the new foundation. It was called the "Freedom Stone" for the new 1776-foot "Freedom Tower" that was to replace the old Towers. On that day ten years earlier, July 4, 1994, Dave Weaver had the revelation that "Eli's neck was broken" (1 Sam. 1:1-20). On the previous day, a friend (Patsy Bradford) heard a loud voice saying, "Are you through with mercy now?" At the time, there was no way to understand either of these revelations, because the fulfillment was yet 10 years into the future.
On September 11, 2004, the third anniversary of this event, political candidate John Edwards made a speech there and said this:
"Good morning. Today on this day of remembrance and mourning,we have the Lord's Word:
The bricks have fallen, but we will build--with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place. . . Let me show you how we are building and putting cedars in those three hallowed placed, the Towers, the Pentagon, and the Field. Walk with me through this day and you will see that while those bricks fell and the sycamores cut down, our people are making those cedars rise.
Edwards closed his speech with these words: "Each time that bell tolls, it calls us to a greater purpose. It calls us to always remember that when we walk together this day that the cedars will rise and the stones will go up."
Edwards did not comprehend that he was using those words precisely as the House of Israel had used them before the fall of Samaria. He expressed the same spirit of arrogance against God, the same spirit of defiance that had infected the House of Israel. He seemed totally unaware that this very spirit of arrogance and defiance was what ensured the ultimate downfall of Israel, the destruction of Samaria, their deportation to Assyria, and their dispersion for the next 2,520 years.
I issued my own 9-11 report shortly after the event, showing that God's hedge of protection had been removed. I appealed to the people to repent, rather than to assume that others were at fault. I showed clearly that our problem was not bin Laden. Our problem was God Himself, who was judging us for departing from Him.
Ten years later, I still believe this. If we do not repent, then the rest of the destruction will certainly come. On the other hand, I do believe that America will repent, and such destruction WILL NOT OCCUR. Why? Because we have been led since November of 1993 to engage in spiritual warfare to accomplish this very goal of repentance and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Our warfare has not been in vain. We have already seen the victory, and it is only a matter of time before it is manifested in the earth.
Having said that, it is also true that the potential danger is still bearing down on our nation. These threats will continue as long as we refuse to repent, as long as we continue to defend ourselves against God instead of acknowledging that His judgments are true and righteous altogether (Ps. 19:9).
In the days of the ancient House of Israel, Isaiah 9:11 was the key to understanding these things:
11 Therefore the Lord raises against them adversaries from Rezin, and spurs their enemies on.
Only when we recognize that God is the One judging us--not man--will we avoid this threatened judgment. Neither Israel nor Judah were able to avoid the judgment in their day, because neither of them believed that God was judging them. Their nationalism got in the way. America too wants the freedom to sin, and yet when divine judgment comes, they get religious and pray for deliverance so that they can continue sinning. They want to sin that grace may abound.
Such a practice has never worked in the past. It will never work in the future. Will we ever learn? God even revealed to Tom Daschle and to John Edwards the very scripture that was relevant to our case--but their eyes remained blinded to the actual revelation of the prophet.