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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Prophecy of Manasseh." To view all parts, click the link below.
The prophecy of Manasseh is not only about forgetting one's father's household. It is also about inheritance, because of the biblical account of the daughters of Zelophehad, who were of the tribe of Manasseh.
The account appears in three chapters of the Bible: Numbers 27:1-11; Numbers 36:1-12; and Joshua 17:3-6. In the first two references, we find that a man named Zelophehad had five daughters, but no sons. The question then came up about how to pass on the land inheritance. Moses went to God for a Supreme Court ruling to ascertain the will of God, revealed in Num. 27:8,
"If a man dies and has no son, then you shall transfer his inheritance to his daughter."
The only restriction was that these daughters had to marry within their tribe, so that the land inheritance did not pass to another tribe. This was to prevent the breakup of the tribal territory itself, where a man of Judah might end up having a land inheritance in Manasseh. When a woman married a man of a different tribe, their children were reckoned according to the tribe of their fathers. But if the man and his wife were from the same tribe, no such problem arose.
It is interesting that Numbers 27 is the 144th chapter of the Bible. Numbers 36 is the 153rd chapter. And Joshua 17 is the 204th chapter, a reference to the Capstone of the Great Pyramid, which represents "the Stone which the builders rejected" which has become the head of the corner (Psalm 118:22).
The Pyramid was built to be a physical representation of the earth itself. The capstone on the Great Pyramid was never placed on the top of the 203 layers of stone which make up this pyramid. This "chief cornerstone" was rejected by the builders, and in that way became prophetic of Jesus Christ, the King of the earth who was rejected as the Messiah. He is therefore, by all rights, the 204th stone of the Pyramid. So it is significant that Joshua 17 would be the 204th chapter of the Bible.
As for the numbers 144 (resurrected ones) and 153 (sons of God), their prophetic meanings are more well known. Is it just coincidental that the daughters of Zelophehad would appear in these three chapters of the Bible? What are the odds of that?
The rejection of the chief cornerstone of the Great Pyramid became an early prophetic type of the "lost inheritance" of Jesus Christ Himself. His inheritance was the Kingdom itself. The Kingdom is the earth, and the Pyramid was a picture of the earth, because its height is directly proportional to the radius of the earth. Its weight is one thousand trillionth of the weight of the earth. Each side at its base is 365.242 cubits, which is the precise number of days in a solar year.
Isaiah refers to the Pyramid as "an Altar to the Lord" in Isaiah 19:19, 20,
"In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord near its border. And it will become a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them."
The Pyramid is located "in the midst of the land of Egypt" and also "near its border," because it was built in the center of Egypt at the border between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
If you convert each letter of the Hebrew text to their equivalent numbers (the verses above), the total numeric value of those two verses total 5449. Is it a coincidence that the height of the Pyramid itself is precisely 5449 pyramid inches?
Hence, when not only the 144th and 153rd, but also the 204th chapter of the Bible speaks of the daughters of Zelophehad, we should take notice of this. Underlying this story is the fact that Jesus Christ is the inheritor of the earth itself, and that as His sons, we too will inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5).
So the emergence of Manasseh, or Manassas, next April has to do with the revelation of the great inheritance which Jesus Christ will receive. Along with this is the question of the "daughters" and whether they will have an inheritance or not. Because we are not yet full "sons," we are yet in the "daughter" stage of development (i.e., soulish). Can we yet receive an inheritance? The law says YES.
The restrictions upon the "daughters" are that they must "marry" within the tribe, so as not to lose the inheritance. For us, we are all Marys and Sarahs bringing forth the Manchild. Our husband is the Holy Spirit, by whom we have conceived Christ in us, and through whom we must give birth at the manifestation of the sons of God. In other words, we must marry within our tribe/family--in this case, the family of God, because only the Holy Spirit can actually bring forth the Manchild who is the true inheritor.
Conversely, if we do NOT conceive by the Holy Spirit, then we have violated the restrictions of the law as set forth in the case of Zelophehad's daughters, and we would then be disinherited. This lawful restriction is important, for it shows us the only lawful way to conceive and give birth to the Manchild. If the golden calf has conceived in us, the son will not be a joint-heir with Christ. If we count upon our fleshly genealogy from Adam to qualify us for inheritance, we will be disqualified, because "that is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6).
So this Manassas revelation has both a positive and a negative connotation. The positive speaks of those who are truly coming into the inheritance of Sonship. The negative speaks of those disqualified from this inheritance. One of the disqualified groups are those who think that their genealogy qualifies them for Sonship--that is, they say they are "chosen" on account of their genealogical connection to Abraham.
We received a revelation about this on Sept. 27, 2002 at the time we poured out the third bowl of wine into the Mississippi River at the Island of Peace. Tom was led to bring water from Bull Run Creek near Manassas, Virginia and to pour it out upon a rock on the bank of the Mississippi.
In the Civil War in the 1860's, the North named the battles according to landmarks such as creeks, while the South named the same battles according to the nearest town or city. For this reason, the Battle of Bull Run is also known as the Battle of Manassas. It is interesting that the Bull is the symbol for Joseph, whose sons (Ephraim and Manasseh) were the two horns of the Bull (Deut. 33:17).
Pouring out the water from Bull Run (Manassas) with the third bowl of wine reveals an interesting link. The third bowl of wine in Rev. 16:4-7 speaks of judgment upon those who "poured out the blood of saints and prophets" (16:6). In Rev. 18:24 we find that in Babylon "was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth."
But Rev. 11:8 also links Babylon to Jerusalem. And Jesus said in Matt. 23:29-36 that this "generation" (i.e., offspring, or race) would be charged with killing the prophets and saints and "that upon you may fall the guilt of ALL the righteous blood shed on earth" (vs. 35). Whoever is found ruling Babylon in the time of her judgment will be charged with the entire load of guilt from the beginning. Jesus prophetically identified them as "this offspring." So this was the undercurrent behind the judgment of the third bowl of wine in 2002.
Along with this came water from Manassas, or Bull Run, to indicate the positive side of the decree. The water was about the outpouring of the Spirit; and it came from Manassas, son of Joseph the Bull.
Next April we will see the next layer of revelation as it unfolds.
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The Prophecy of Manasseh." To view all parts, click the link below.