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With all of the internet chatter about Obama being a secret Muslim, perhaps even the secret son of Malcomb X, it is interesting to me that 78% of American Jews were not worried about Obama. That's the percentage of the Jewish vote that Obama received. This according to the Jerusalem Post:
This is even more impressive, given the fact that Jewish Sen. Joe Liberman was at McCain's side much of the time. One would think that Liberman could have turned out the Jewish vote for McCain, at least in the New England states. But that did not seem to happen.
Also, it appears that Obama wants to have Jewish Congressman Emanuel from Illinois as his Chief of Staff. Emanuel has dual American-Israeli citizenship. That's even more blatant than the Israelis in President Bush's cabinet.
All the early signals tell us that President Obama is setting up himself to be a more ardent Zionist than President Bush. This does not seem to explain Obama's secret "Muslim" sympathies.