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Showing 241-252 of 294

The Book of Revelation - Part 14 The Illuminati

Date: 12/01/2003 Issue Number: 183

With the historical background that we have given in the past few bulletins, we have finally come to the central issue facing us. It is this: Who or what organization was actually behind the French Revolution of 1789-1793? It is necessary to answer this question in order to explain the statement in Rev. 13:12, where the second beast causes men to worship its predecessor, the first beast (i.e., the Roman Church). A related question is this: WHY did the second beast defer to the first beast? Were they in some way two…

The Book of Revelation - Part 13 Occult Messianism

Date: 11/01/2003 Issue Number: 182

The second beast in Revelation 13 is a messianic beast. It has two horns like a lamb, claiming to be chosen by God to rule the world. This beast has many manifestations. We have already shown some history of the Roman Church, which openly teaches that God has given it authority to rule the world. They base their claim on a supposed “apostolic succession” from Peter. But others challenge their claim. We saw in our last issue how the Dragon Court of European royal families claimed a “messianic-bloo…

The Book of Revelation - Part 12 The Rise of the Occult

Date: 10/01/2003 Issue Number: 181

Revelation 13 speaks of two beasts. The first comes out of the sea; the second out of the earth. While they are distinct, they also are in some way united. The first beast (the Roman Catholic Church) was given 1,260 years in which to speak arrogantly and blasphemously. We showed previously that this refers to more than one time period. We can date it from the beginning of the Church in 33 A.D., in which case it ends in 1293 with the crisis in the Church between Pope Celestine V and Boniface VIII. It was a classic …

The Book of Revelation - Part 11 Pope Boniface VIII & Celestine V

Date: 09/01/2003 Issue Number: 180

There are two beasts mentioned in Revelation 13. We have shown previously that the first beast was the spirit behind the Roman Catholic Church which motivated the popes to seek after political power. This was the method by which they sought to establish their vision of the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Yet (as we also showed) they did so by fleshly means and by carnal thinking. They did not understand the difference between a true Vicar of Christ (like King David, who ruled in place of Christ on the throne of Isr…

The Book of Revelation - Part 10 Revelation 13

Date: 08/01/2003 Issue Number: 179

Chapter 10 of Revelation was about the strong angel giving to John (a type of overcomer) an open book by which he was to preach to all nations. This prophesied of the first European use of the printing press in the 1450’s that “opened” the Bible to the people and even reduced its size to a “little” book so that it could be carried easily. The opening of this Book in Europe brought about the Protestant Reformation, as men began to read the Word and see that it differed substantially fr…

The Book of Revelation - Part 9 The Seven Thunders

Date: 07/01/2003 Issue Number: 178

The only way to know how the book of Revelation has been fulfilled is to study history. For this reason we have taken the time to document the events of history that are relevant to that which the Bible foretells. I apologize in advance if some of this history is too detailed to hold your interest. The main thing is that you know that the “little book” that was opened in Rev. 10 depicts the opening of the Bible to the common people. It prophesied of the time when the Bible would be printed in the com…

The Book of Revelation - Part 8 The Open Book

Date: 06/01/2003 Issue Number: 177

Rev. 10:1, 2—The Little Book 1 And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. 2 and he had in his hand a little book which was open. We wrote in Part 7 that the Osmani (or “Ottoman”) Turks came to power after the Mongols left the region and returned to Mongolia. The Ottoman Turks learned about gunpowder from them and soon developed its military use in cannons. T…

The Book of Revelation - Part 7 Revelation 9

Date: 05/01/2003 Issue Number: 176

We wrote last time of the first 150 years of the rise of Islam from 612 to 762, ending with the construction of the new city of Baghdad. The capital of Islam moved from Damascus to Baghdad and became a sacred city of sorts. During this time, Islam ridiculed the Christian West for their veneration of statues and images, calling them idol worship. The Christian response was that they did not worship them, but merely venerated them. However, the same argument might have been made by the ancient idol worshippers, wh…

The Book of Revelation - Part 6 Revelation 9

Date: 04/01/2003 Issue Number: 175

Daniel 7 foretold the rise of four successive empires that would dominate the western world. They were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Out of the fourth empire (Rome) was to come a “little horn” in Dan. 7:8, 8 While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth uttering great boasts. Daniel did not know the meaning of …

The Book of Revelation - Part 5 Revelation 8

Date: 03/01/2003 Issue Number: 174

The Third Trumpet: Attila the Hun (451-453 A.D.) We have so far discussed the first two trumpets which brought invasions upon the Western Roman Empire from 410-460 A.D. God’s next judgment upon them was Attila the Hun. John speaks of the third trumpet in Rev. 8:10, 11, 10 And the third trumpet sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters; 11 and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became w…

The Book of Revelation - Part 4 Revelation 8

Date: 02/01/2003 Issue Number: 173

When the first trumpet sounded in Rev. 8:7, the invasions of the Roman Empire began with Alaric the Goth, who sacked Rome in 410 A.D. This traumatic event occurred just 30 years after the emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion in 380 A.D. It also destroyed the Christian myth that Rome—now a Christian city—was an eternal city that God would never allow to be overthrown. Yet it happened, and it was conquered by pagans! For this reason, in 411 Augustine, bishop of Hippo in North Africa, wr…

The Book of Revelation - Part 3 Revelation 8

Date: 01/01/2003 Issue Number: 172

The seventh chapter of Revelation is an interruption of the general flow of history. The chapter deals with the sealing of 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel. There are many different viewpoints about each detail. I get more questions about this chapter than from any other. It is NOT the case that the 144,000 are all Jews who will be converted and witness to people during the great tribulation. The Jews are not Israel. At best, they would comprise only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. They certainly…

Showing 241-252 of 294