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Blog Category - Prayer Campaigns

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Let My People Go prayer campaign (final background)

Tomorrow at 10 a.m. is the date of our case before the divine court. You are all invited to participate in this. I have given much background in recent weblogs. I hope to tie……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 7

On September 11, 2012, a group of us were led to make a trip north to Bemidji, MN to begin the work of rebuilding the wall of (New) Jerusalem. This came a year after we had been i……

Corrections and further background

The Deir Yassin massacre occurred in 1948, not in 1947. I have gone back to the 5th and 6th blogs and made the correction: April 9, 1948. Sorry about that. It was Anava’s fault. A……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 6

When the Latter Rain movement began February 14, 1948, the people saw it as a direct parallel to the restoration of Israel, which the United Nations had established a few months e……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 5

The book of Jasher is not Scripture, but it is an old history book that is referred to in Joshua 10:13 and again in 2 Samuel 1:18. Its account of the story of Esau is of interest ……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 4

In the 1980’s, when I was involved with a group that conducted much spiritual warfare, our normal concept of spiritual warfare involved pitched battles in the field. This was how ……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 3

Israel’s first captivity is recorded in Judges 3:8-10. It was a Babylonian captivity to the king of Mesopotamia (“land between two rivers”), using its pre-Babylonian name. Note th……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 2

Jews today are from two main branches: Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Ashkenazim are from Eastern Europe and, according to The Jewish Encyclopedia, are Turkish-Mongolian converts t……

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 1

If you have been following our weblogs and if you have done your reading, you know that the year 2017 is momentous in prophetic history. To understand it fully requires quite a bi……

Modified prayer for Operation Protective Shield

I received a phone call from a friend who reported coming under severe spiritual attack after praying the prayer posted this morning. Fortunately, he is experienced and discerning……

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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