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Blog Category - News

Showing 971-980 of -1 results

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News from Qanon

We have finally heard from Q again. Q’s previous post was on November 13, and he/she finally posted again last night (November 20). I had suspected that he would begin posting aga……

Significant News about Netanyahu and Rothschild Power

A week ago the Israelis fought with Hamas in the Gaza Strip after Israeli commandos infiltrating Gaza assassinated the Palestinian military commander. The commandos’ car was spott……

Whistleblower implicates Deutsche Bank

The bad news coming out of Deutsche Bank keeps coming. Europe's largest bank is too big to care about laws and rules.……

Big banks being exposed

In 1971 President Nixon announced wage and price controls. It was not long before store shelves were empty, and no one wanted to sell their produce at those frozen prices. http……

San Francisco fires, defending the gate, and being fishers of men

On November 10 I reported that friends of mine were stuck in traffic while evacuating from Paradise, California as a deadly fire was sweeping down upon the city. I wrote: “Mea……

Bank of England steals Venezuela's gold

Here is why one should be careful of allowing banks to hold your assets. You simply cannot trust them, because if they hold it, they think they own it. If you want it back, your r……

Draining the Broward County swamp Did you know that since 1982, the Republican Party had been……

The Baphomet lawsuit

Satanists have filed a defamation lawsuit against Warner Brothers for $150 million for portraying their god Baphomet with slightly different features from their public relations c……

Paradise Lost

In 1667 John Milton wrote Paradise Lost. It seems like an appropriate title for the situation that now exists in Paradise, California after a devastating wildfire virtually destro……

Gaza assassination sparks new conflict

Yesterday a group of IDF special forces went on a mission to assassinate the top commander of Gaza’s military. They succeeded, but their car was spotted and counter-attacked by Ha……

Showing 971-980 of -1 results

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