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Showing 51-60 of -1 results

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Elon Musk's Twitter war

Here is a short video from First Post, a good news source from India, showing how the FBI and other intelligence organizations weaponized Twitter and interfered with the US electi……

Putin's speech

Russian president Vladimir Putin addressed the military, laying out his views and plans. While the western media scoffed at it (as usual), most people simply did not know about it……

Where is all the money going?

Until 2022, Ukraine was well known to be the most corrupt country in Europe. That corruption made it fertile ground for the sons of US politicians to become wealthy. Hunter Biden,……

Update on news from Ukraine

The mainstream media gets its war news directly from Ukraine, which has never been known to tell the truth. The truth is that Ukraine has no way of producing their own military eq……

Ukraine continues to bomb Donetsk City

Ukraine has been shelling Donetsk City for more than 8 years now. This intentional shelling of civilian houses, apartments, and markets is clearly a long series of war crimes. Man……

Twitter on trial

Elon Musk has been exposing more and more corruption and election interference in the 2020 elections. Here is a short video from FirstPost, a news source from India. I recommen……

Update on Brazil

It appears that the report of the military reversing the election in Brazil is not true. My contact in Brazil (who has translated some of our books and tracts into Portuguese) wro……

The political crisis in Brazil (Brasil)

Recently, Brazil had their presidential elections, where Lula da Silva appeared to have won. The military, however, intervened and declared Bolsonaro the winner, claiming voter fr……

The Brunson case

Many of you are just now hearing of the Brunson court case that the Supreme Court is going to discuss on January 6, 2023. I have been following this case for the past two weeks. I……

Today is a watch date

Today is the 40th anniversary of the start of my resurrection cycle in 1982. Recall that my wilderness journey began with my resignation from the church in Las Cruces December ……

Showing 51-60 of -1 results

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