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Blog Category - Health

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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Respected medical journal says half of scientific literature may be untrue

Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet makes a shocking admission: A shocking admission ……

Music can alter your genes

Be careful what type of music you listen to. It has the ability to alter your genes. So says this news article.……

The new epidemic: Orthoexia Nervosa

A new epidemic is being reported, now that it has found a government label. Until recently, the (mental) disorder was largely ignored because it had no official label. But now tha……

Vaccines will be made from tumors

What is this world coming to? Perhaps it is time for doctors to speak up. Isn't it bad enough that they use toxic substances like mercury to keep vaccines "fresh"?? http://vact……

Ineffective flu vaccines on navy ship

It is being reported that the navy minesweeper, the USS Arden, had a problem with an outbreak of the flu earlier this year. Did the problem occur because the crew failed to be ……

Kenyan doctors sue UN over vaccines laced with contraceptive

Kenyan doctors were upset when they noticed that vaccinated girls were affected three years later as if they had been given an anti-fertility drug, or contraceptive. They sent six……

The Stupid Virus

Do you feel a bit slow or foggy today? Perhaps you have not noticed it because it is so “normal.” Well, scientists have discovered that as many as 45% of us in America are affl……

In honor of Dr. Maurice Hilleman

Dr. Mercola ran an article on Dr. Hilleman back in 2011, which portrayed a completely different story from what the mainstream media reports regarding Dr. Hilleman. He featured a ……

World Health Organization blocks nanosilver from being sent to Africa to treat Ebola

What are they so afraid of? Do they think nanosilver is dangerous to the health of ebola patients?……

Guatemala rejects the Monsanto law

Last June, Guatemala rejected Monsanto’s attempt to take control of the food industry. On 10 Ju……

Showing 61-70 of -1 results

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