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The Prophetic Year 2010

se began with our Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993 and extended 13 years to October of 2006.

June 2009 Trip Report

1993 A.D.…phetic connection with Ron that goes back to 1993. That is a story that he will have to tell.

Summary of the Book of Revelation

1993. This was 40 x 49 years after Pentecost in A…cts 2. In November of 1993 we were led to engage in spiritual warfare a… marching around Jericho went from 1993

Jehoiachin: The Captive King

this year began in September of 1993. This roughly coincided with the end of t… 1993. Six months later we were led to begin the J…ize that our Jubilee Prayer Campaign in late 1993

The Thousand Years

1993. The biblical pattern of the Pentecost Ag

Which Woman is the True Bride?

. The Overcomers Take the Debt Note in 1993 The only … until Pentecost of 1993. Once Saul died…vercomers could not take the debt note until 1993. And that year just happened to be the 46th

Leaving Babylon

s time did not conclude until 1993rom this Babylonian captivity. The year 1993 was also important in that it marked the end… reigned 40 years over Israel. The year 1993 also marked the end of the Laodicean

They Shall Be Priests of God

Church died in 1993

The Book of Revelation - Part 28 The Sixth Vial

1993prophetic fulfillment of these trumpets from 1993 to 2000. Then the seven vials began to be po

The Book of Revelation - Part 22 Revelation 15

extending from 33 to 1993 A.D. May 30… 1993 was the 40th Jubilee of the Church… 1993. The transition from Saul to David took seve… Transition 7 Vials 33 A.D. 1993 2000 Pentecost May 30

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