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Mystery Babylon's lawful obligation

to Babylon and the various beast empires for 2,520 years … it lasted 2,520 years

Where are we in Prophetic History? Part 1

was 2,520 years. If there had been no interruptio…n during that 2,520t had to be added to the end. This means the 2,520

Competing Paths of Liberty

2,520 years

Big banks being exposed

s 2,520

Magog dies on Cursed Time

beast domination that had been going on for 2,520 years. I also said clearly that we were ente

The meaning of Cursed Time

of four beast empires to rule the world for 2,520 years. Babylon took Jerusalem in 604 B.C.… to fill in the remaining time in the 2,520 year period. When the 2

Earthquakes and the Tsunami

. Then 2,520 years later …C. was built. Our nation's capital was built 2,520 years after Israel

Babylon's Privatization of America opposed by the Kings of the East

ook over this country. It occurred precisely 2,520 years after the original Babylon became an e

Animal Sacrifices to Start March 16, 2010

related Keep in mind that the 2,520th anniversary of the Second Temple fell on M

The Two Sticks Joined February 20-21

he Second Temple was laid in 534 B.C. By the 2,520

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