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Chapter 1: The Millennium Question

began to come to a close in 1993 in preparation for a greater Age to come und

Chapter 1: What is the Church?

1993 A.D.

Chapter 7: The Feast of Tabernacles

that the 40th Jubilee of the Church came in 1993 A.D. This is also 4 x 490 years from 33 A.D.

Chapter 10: The Two Works of Christ

the year 1993 saw the end of the forty

Chapter 13: The Real Rapture

so the 40 Jubilees ended in 1993 A.D. If there is anything to this

Chapter 16: The Antichrist

1993 1993 the Vatican finally established diplomatic r


1993. We are now in the transition into the great

Chapter 1: Grace in the Law of Jubilee

from 33 A.D. to 1993 A.D. This is also four periods of 490 years.…s critical moment of visitation thus came in 1993 AD

Chapter 2: Basic Bible Chronology

Jubilee period from 33 A.D. to 1993 A.D. We will deal with this in detail in a l…ater chapter. At Pentecost of 1993

Chapter 3: 120 Jubilees and the Holy Spirit

1986 and 1993. The year 1986 is the 120th Jubilee from Ada… but 1993 was the 40th Jubilee of the Church. To …ees of purification extended from 33 A.D. to 1993 A.D. The earth is now lawfully eligible to b

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