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Blog Category - Trip Reports

Showing 111-120 of -1 results

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Trip Update

I spent 4 days in Pensacola from Sunday through Wednesday, with meetings each night until 10:00 p.m. and further discussions until midnight and even to 1:00 a.m. Along with that, ……

Back from California

We had a great conference in Modesto, California this past week end, followed by more private meetings in Sacramento on Monday and Tuesday. We flew home yesterday (Wed.) and had t……

Important Personal Message

On Friday, April 2, I will begin traveling to Manassas, Virginia for the conference next week end. Because I will be traveling and visiting people along the way, I may not be a……

Passover Conference Report

I was unable to get an internet connection using my laptop earlier, so I could not give you a report earlier. We had a wonderful conference just down the street from the origin……

Another Trip

This is just to let you know that I will be leaving on a West Coast trip tomorrow morning and will be out of the office for about 3 weeks. I will bring my laptop and will try t……

Removing the Curse at Little Big Horn

In my weblog for May 28, I wrote of that morning's revelation that we should begin to walk the neighborhood and pray to break curses on the property of our neighbors. I think……

Trip Update

I just wanted to check in and let you know that all is well, and that we are "on schedule" in every way. Given the work done in my last report, we encountered usual spiritual oppo……

The Columbia River Work

In an earlier report I mentioned that our car died in Montana and that we were in Billings, waiting for a computer part to arrive. It did not arrive when it was supposed to, so we……

On the Road Again

As most of you know, I will be in Sweetwater, TN for a Tabernacles conference that begins a week from today. I am already on the road, so I will not be able to do weblogs every da……

Temple Vessels Filled

Last evening I attended a home meeting in Pensacola, Florida, where the pastor's message was based upon 2 Kings 4:1-7. It is the story of the widow woman whose sons were about to ……

Showing 111-120 of -1 results

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