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Showing 71-80 of -1 results

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Eliot Spitzer's Fall

In my opinion, not many politicians get far up the ladder unless there are some "safeguards" in place. These safeguards are otherwise known as "skeletons in the closet." A politic……

Chaos on Wall Street Here is an article from CNN Money, "Chaos on Wall Street," that tells you in simple terms ……

Correction on the Amero Currency

The picture of the Amero that was in the recent video which I posted is apparently not a picture of the real Amero. It is instead a medallion that is currently being sold by a com……

Article: America Preparing for War with Iran

US-Iranian War Looming

It looks like the U.S. is about to launch a new military offensive that will be a third front on an already huge battle line. The rhetoric to justify such an attack is that Ira……

Can the Fed avoid the consequences of $45 Trillion in default derivative swaps?

Jim Sinclair is a financial analyst who is concerned about the derivatives market. Most people do not even know what derivatives are, but that market is a huge casualty of the cur……

Obama, the Healer?

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it is something you should read in order to be informed on what is being done and said in the political world these days. Reports……

New Free Energy Machine

A couple of Australian inventors have come up with a machine using magnets, which, they say, will run indefinitely and produce at least five times as much energy as it takes to ru……

Economic Update on Babylon

Well, last September's prediction that we would see $120/barrel oil by Spring has finally come to pass by the middle of Spring with 6 weeks to spare! Now the news is projecting $2……

Lying About the Identity of Modern Edom

Perhaps we are starting to make some people worried when we quote Josephus and other historians telling us that Edom was conquered and absorbed into Judea in 126 B.C. Here is an a……

Showing 71-80 of -1 results

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