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One Corn to rule them all

This is a picture of corn being grown by Chapingo University in Mexico. Note that it h……

The Social Media War continues

Economists tell us that a stock market crash usually starts with a lot of volatility as the bulls and bears exchange punches. We have been seeing unusual volatility in the past tw……

The Khashoggi murder

The crisis of the month prize certainly goes to Saudi Arabia for its apparent murder of Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018. I say apparent, because the body has disappeared, even ……

George Soros' "Rent-an-Evangelist" program

It is amazing what some Christian ministers will do for money. Jim Wallis was part of President Obama’s White Ho……

Australian PM apologizes for governmental failure in sexual abuse cases

There is a well-known principle in politics that says, “Never apologize; never explain.” The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, broke that rule yesterday, following the bi……

Mattis names new judge for military tribunals at Guantanamo

The Secretary of Defense has appointed Col. Douglas Watkins to replace retiring Col. James Pohl as the judge for ongoing military tribunals at Guantanamo. Many have not known abou……

Wartime hypocrisy

As we approach the midterm elections in about two weeks, the battle behind the scenes is approaching its climax. It is largely a media war, where the mainstream media is fighting ……

The Spirit of Socialism

Socialism is the near opposite of the Kingdom of God, because it is based on government-sanctioned theft. The Kingdom of God respects the right of people to own their own labor (i……

News to keep you informed In a fiery exchange at a Washington, D.C. courtroom, a federal judge excor……

Soros’ mourns the loss of the New World Order

When men like George Soros are unhappy with the way the world is going, it is probably good news for those who prefer a non-Babylonian world order. It appears that the World of So……

Showing 991-1000 of -1 results

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