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Blog Category - Health

Showing 11-20 of -1 results

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Monsanto may lose European license for products with glyphosate

A big battle is being fought in Europe over Monsanto’s Roundup, which contains the chemical glysophate. It has been shown to be a carcinogen, but Monsanto’s political power is bei……

The truth about cancer

The first series of cancer discussions from Ty Bollinger are being run again next week beginning April 12, and you are invited to listen to them free of charge. I highly recommend……

Reminder to watch tonight's videos, The Truth About Cancer

This is just a reminder to those who want to watch the free videos: The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. The first video will air at 8:00 pm tonight (CST). My wife is very enth……

The Truth about Vaccines

Ty Bollinger is releasing another series of interviews regarding the truth about vaccines. His video series are always very informative, helpful, and professional. This is what he……

The perversion of science

Here is short article from the Washington Examiner showing an interview with Dr. Marcia Angell, who was the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine from 1999-2000. She says ……

CDC busted when forced to reveal incriminating documents

It has long been known by those who study political science that image and perception is more important than reality. Corporations, governments, and other organizations spend a gr……

Gardasil vaccine kills another girl

This vaccine is particularly wicked.

Phony food from Walmart

Hard to believe, but it seems that Walmart is selling ice cream sandwiches that don’t melt in the sun on a warm day. I don’t think I would want to put such Frankencream in my mout……

Americans becoming suspicious of government-sponsored vaccines

New healing device

Here is a 2-minute video showing an ingenious healing device.

Showing 11-20 of -1 results

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