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The Book of Revelation - Part 25 The Fourth Vial

which violates the law of equal weights and measures. The religious right in America insists upon…ve and equality stands back to back with the law of equal weights and measures. And for those who think that this law means

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 2

him. This principle is established by the law of equal weights and measures in Deut. 25… the law of equal weights and measures. In fact

Justice and Mercy upon David - Part 1

by the law of equal weights and measures

No King in Israel, part 6, Equal Justice

your own heart before you judge others. The law of equal weights and measures in Leviticus 19

The Gospel of John, part 6, The weight of glory

kabod falls within the sphere of the law of equal weights and measures the law of equal weights and measures commands us to use the same standard when me

Book 2 - Chapter 7: Equal Justice

your own heart before you judge others. The law of equal weights and measures in Lev. 19

Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 8, part 10

justice for foreigners is linked here to the law of equal weights and measures. We are forbidden from dispensing unequal ju…2 Jesus interpreted the law of equal weights and measures in judicial terms as well

Chapter 7: The Weight of Glory

kabod falls within the sphere of the law of equal weights and measures. Lev. 19… the law of equal weights and measures commands us to use the same standard when me

Isaiah, Prophet of Salvation, Book 9, part 8

rophet seems to connect this prophecy to the law of equal weights and measures in Leviticus 19

The delayed calling, part 5

rinciple of law was very relevant. It is the law of equal weights and measures mentality violates the law of equal weights and measures. There was to be

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