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The Law of Forgiveness

ter caught doing the same thing. That is the law of equal weights and measures. The Old Testament God is not devoid of

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 7, The Message

blem with idolatry. Do you not know that the law of equal weights and measures tells us that in the way you judge

Through Timeless Mountains--Chapter 9, The Heavenly Council

if the people had understood the law of equal weights and measures

The fifth seal

your God. The passage continues with the Law of Equal Weights and Measures

First Corinthians 6--Responsibility to Judge

nrighteous judgment. He was referring to the law of equal weights and measures in Leviticus 19

Daniel 4: Fulfillment of the Dream, Part 1

s sentence was according to the law of equal weights and measures. The king received the same treatment that h

Mercy in Judgment

one that both Matthew and Luke record is the law of equal weights and measures. Luke 6…e example of how NOT to act in regard to the law of equal weights and measures

Logs and sawdust in our eyes

5 in connection with the law of equal weights and measures

Is Ukraine the trigger for the return to the Gold Standard?

waiting to see the outcome. The Law of Equal Weights and Measures The law of equal weights and measures is … Babylon will be judged by the law of equal weights and measures. When God brings judgment on a nation

The Good Samaritan, Part 1

aelite people as yourself is followed by the law of equal weights and measuresmands that we treat all men with love by the law of equal weights and measures. We will study the parable itself in our

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