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Chapter 7: The Message

blem with idolatry. Do you not know that the law of equal weights and measures tells us that in the way you judge

Chapter 9: The Heavenly Council

if the people had understood the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 22: Revelations of the Seventh Speech

This tells us that the law of equal weights and measures was a command to treat all men equally.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Jonah

yet it was based upon the law of equal weights and measures in the law of Moses

Chapter 3: The Laws of Usury

our God. What immediately follows is the law of equal weights and measures. A biblical monetary standard… it is apparent that the law of equal weights and measures was meant to apply to Israelites and foreign

Chapter 5: What about a Gold Standard?

because the law of equal weights and measures applies especially to currency. Of cours

The Law Applied with Mercy--Part 2, David and Bathsheba

by the law of equal weights and measures

A New Emergency Declaration

having Jesus Christ as its King. Then the law of equal weights and measures will be enforced

The Dragon Wars--Part 5

mercy factor according to the law of equal weights and measures

The Law of Equal Weights and Measures

Jesus was applying the law of equal weights and measures to one…quick to judge others. When we link the law of equal weights and measures with the previous verse

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