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Chapter 19: Mercy in Judgment

ment to a maximum of 49 years. The Law of Equal Weights and Measures In His …one that both Matthew and Luke record is the law of equal weights and measures. Luke 6

Chapter 22: Logs and Sawdust in Your Eye

5 in connection with the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 4: The Good Samaritan Parable

aelite people as yourself is followed by the law of equal weights and measuresmands that we treat all men with love by the law of equal weights and measures. The Structure of the Parable

Chapter 10: Forgive Us Our Sins

24 and the law of equal weights and measures according to the law of equal weights and measures. But in no way does He give up His agape cha… Because of the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 17: A Parable about Humility

with impartial justice. This shows up in the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 3: The Prodigal Son Leaves Home

glected the word. They failed to see how the law of equal weights and measures forbade treating other ethnic groups with pa

Chapter 10: Cleansing the Temple

f impartiality that was given as part of the law of equal weights and measures. Lev. 19… This was then linked to the law of equal weights and measures. There were to be no double standards in the

Chapter 8: The Fulfillment of the Dream

s sentence was according to the law of equal weights and measures. The king received the same treatment that h

Chapter 17: All Things Under His Feet

according to the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 4: The Fifth Seal

our God. The passage continues with the Law of Equal Weights and Measures

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