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Chapter 9: King Cyrus of Persia

circumstances reveal much about the fall of Mystery Babylon in the far future. It is prophesied in Rev. …coming fall of Mystery Babylon. This suggests that we ought to be fami

Chapter 10: How Babylon was Taken

in Daniel 5 relates directly to the fall of Mystery Babylon in our time. Jeremiah

Chapter 11: The Handwriting on the Wall

. This may speak into the present pattern of Mystery Babylon as well

Chapter 12: The Reason for Babylon’s Fall

the oligarchs of Mystery Babylon and of all major corporations all have astro… prophesies also of the cause of the fall of Mystery Babylon. The wine of Babylon is false teaching. In p

Chapter 13: Interpreting the Inscription

ation by which we may understand the fall of Mystery Babylon in our own time. Recall that the Domini…1914 to bring the world back into bondage to Mystery Babylon. A century later comes to 2014

Chapter 14: Reorganizing the Kingdom

st as Daniel 5 prophesies of the collapse of Mystery Babylon in our own time… and this tells us that when Mystery Babylon is overthrown by the kings of the east

Chapter 15: The Plot against Daniel

event to occur in our time after the fall of Mystery Babylon. Yet we have already seen a dual role b…s agents in overthrowing Mystery Babylon and funding the New Covenant temple of God.

Chapter 16: Deliverance in the Lions’ Den

the kings of the east in the last days when Mystery Babylon is taken. Daniel

Chapter 17: All Things Under His Feet

he saints of the Most High after the fall of Mystery Babylon. Darius… is that the fall of Mystery Babylon is followed by a time of persecution

Chapter 10: Gabriel’s Explanation

of Mystery Babylon took full control of money in 1914 through t

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