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Chapter 5: The Captivities of Judah

capturing the capital city of Nineveh in 607 B.C. Three years later they conquered Jerusalem a

Chapter 2: Basic Bible Chronology

with their fall to the Babylonian armies in 607 B.C. At any rate

Chapter 8: The Cleansing of Jerusalem

conquering Nineveh in 612 B.C. By 607 B.C. the war was over

Chapter 8: The Identity of Israel

ope after Assyria fell to the Babylonians in 607 B.C. These Israelites were known to the Assyrians

Chapter 10: 1993: The Warfare Begins

original city of Babylon became an empire in 607 B.C. after conquering the Assyrian capital of Nin…he connection between the rise of Babylon in 607 B.C. and the rise of Mystery Babylon in 1913. It

Chapter 12: 1994: The Tree Cut Down

he rise of the original Babylonian Empire in 607 B.C. In other words

Chapter 51: Projections for the Future

in 607 B.C. was only the first phase of the multi

Chapter 4: The Lake of Fire

he Babylonian Empire had been established in 607 B.C. This prophetic time cycle is

Chapter 3: The Breach: Israel and Judah

C. The Assyrian Empire came to an end in 607 B.C. when one of its provinces revolted successfu… in 607 B.C. and then continued its conquests through Syr

Chapter 1

years after Babylon had become an empire in 607 B.C. The year 1987 was 2

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