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Chapter 5: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10: Christ, our High Priest

measured to you. All of this is by the law of equal weights and measures found in Deut. 25

Chapter 3: Phase 2: Bearing Their Iniquity

when God judges our own sin. It is the basic law of equal weights and measures found in Deut. 25… By the law of equal weights and measures by which He judges all sin. The law of equal weights and measures gives us opportunity

Chapter 10: The Law Applied Impartially

Equal justice for all is also linked to the law of equal weights and measures in Lev. 19

Chapter 11: The Law of Love

ou. This Mercy Factor is built into the law of equal weights and measures found in Lev. 19

Chapter 18: Premeditated Murder

ercy. When this principle is paired with the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 7: Law of the Bird

by the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 21: Laws of Usury

ur God. What immediately follows is the law of equal weights and measures. The Law of Equal Weights and Meas… it is apparent that the law of equal weights and measures was meant to apply to Israelites and foreign

Chapter 12: Equal Weights and Measures

stice. This is expressed most clearly in the law of equal weights and measuress of the way in which judges may violate the law of equal weights and measures. It ends with perhaps the most common violat

Chapter 13: Amalek

After setting forth the law of equal weights and measures

Chapter 10: The Tenth Commandment

s wife. In regard to the law of equal weights and measures

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