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Chapter 12: The Yoke of Bondage

the fatal wound. The result was that the world came to be do

Chapter 14: Jesus Laments over Jerusalem

which received a fatal wound after 42 months …e time that the religious beast received its fatal wound when Napoleon took the Pope captive in 1798.

Chapter 9: Jesus’ Second Triumphal Entry

s fatal wound. The relationship between these two beasts i

Chapter 5: The Beast’s Extension of Life

fatal wound

Chapter 8: The Angel Explains the Little Horn

fatal woundhe French Revolution gave the Roman Church a fatal wound by violently …fatal wound.

Chapter 22: The Cycle of Tribulation

fatal woundfatal wound3. The fatal wound whose fatal wound was healed

Chapter 11: The Beast that Wages War

fatal wound

Chapter 20: The Persecution on Earth

beast received a fatal wound that was healed

Chapter 22: Two Wings of a Great Eagle

fatal woundfatal wound the fatal wound is healed

Chapter 1: The Beast from the Sea

and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed a…fatal wound

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