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Chapter 5: The Captivities of Judah

537 B.C. Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians in 537 B.C. This event is recorded in Daniel 5. Darius t

Chapter 8: The Cleansing of Jerusalem

from 607 to 537 B.C. The captivity of Jerusalem also lasted preci… world power. Babylon Conquered in 537 B.C. In 537 B.C. instead of 537 B.C. This view was formulated by those who i

Chapter 10: Cursed Time for Babylon and Mystery Babylon

six of them from the fall of Babylon in 537 B.C. God was about to do a new thing to bring all

Chapter 16: Other World Events in Bible Prophecy

at when the original city of Babylon fell in 537 B.C.

Chapter 17: The Great Babylonian Captivity in the Twentieth Century

ct given to the old city of Babylon ended in 537 B.C. Jeremiah prophesied how the Babylonian king …We have few details about what took place in 537 B.C.

Chapter 44: 2006: The Detour Around Edom

Persians in 537 B.C. The Israeli state was founded 6 x 414 years

Chapter 3: The Breach: Israel and Judah

Medes and Persians under Darius and Cyrus in 537 B.C. King Darius the Mede organized the new Empir

Chapter 1

520 years from the fall of Babylon in 537 B.C. The year 2001 was 2

Chapter 4: The Interpretation

537 B.C. The Arms and Belly Dan. 2…Persia took Babylon in 537 B.C. and was in turn conquered by Alexander the G

Chapter 9: King Cyrus of Persia

537 B.C.

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