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2018 Passover Conference

The 2018 Passover Conference will be hosted by GKM at the Apostolic Revival Center in Peru, Indiana. Pastor Chris Reed has suggested holding this conference at his church in Peru, Indiana. So we have made arrangements to hold it there on the Passover weekend of March 30, 31, and April 1. All Recordings are available for free.


Mar 30 - Apr 1, 2018

Apostolic Revival Center, 307 Wampler St, Peru, Indiana 46970


Conference Overview

The 2018 Passover Conference will be hosted by GKM, at the Apostolic Revival Center in Peru Indiana. Here are some details:

  • There is no fee to attend the Conference.
  • It will be held at Apostolic Revival Center in Peru Indiana.
  • The conference will be Live Streamed on the GKM Youtube Channel. Recordings will be available on GKM's Youtube Channel as well as this page.
  • Dr. Jones will be speaking at the conference.

Mar 30 - Apr 1, 2018

Apostolic Revival Center, 307 Wampler St, Peru, Indiana 46970

Map to Location


Day 1, Part 1, Morning - Mark Eaton


  • Dr. Stephen Jones

  • Dr. James Bruggeman

  • Rob Corry

  • Mark Eaton

  • Robby Yeats

  • Chris Reed


Friday Schedule

  • 9:00 AMDr. James Bruggeman
  • 10:00 AMMark Eaton
  • 11:30 AM Lunch Break
  •  2:00 PMDr. Stephen E. Jones
  •  3:30 PMRob Corry
  • 4:30 PM Dinner Break
  • 7:00 PMChris Reed

Saturday Schedule

  • 9:00 AMDr. James Bruggeman
  • 10:00 AMRobby Yeats
  • 11:30 AM Lunch Break
  •  2:00 PMRob Corry
  •  3:30 PMMark Eaton
  • 5:00 PM Dinner Break
  • 7:00 PMRobby Yeats

Sunday Schedule

  • 10:00 AMChris Reed
  • 12:00 PM Lunch Break
  • 2:30 PMDr. Stephen E. Jones
  • 3:30 PMHoly Spirit Surprise


Donations to GKM

If you would like to make a contribution to help with the event costs (conference rooms, speaker's accommodations, etc), you can make a donation using the donate button to the right. It will take you to our regular donation page. All donations go to God's Kingdom Ministries, and we thank you for your help.

More Details


The theme of this conference is Victory. See the relevant blog posts below for more information:

General Information

Last October I had given the responsibility to plan the conferences back to James Bruggeman, but since then other circumstances have arisen to change that. He has asked me once again to plan the coming Passover conference.

At this late date, it would be difficult to find a hotel for the conference. However, Pastor Chris Reed had already suggested holding it at his church in Peru, Indiana. So we have made arrangements to hold it there on the Passover weekend of March 30, 31, and April 1.

Apostolic Revival Center
307 Wampler St.
Peru, IN 46970

The church is in town, so there are many restaurants in the area, including some within walking distance. We will have a list of them to pass out to you when you get to the church.

We will have the usual speakers, assuming that they are able to come. In fact, we are planning to have the same speakers as in Cloquet last October, where Chris Reed was our guest speaker.

Ron Oja’s niece is getting married on March 30, so he will not be able to speak at this conference. His place will be taken by Robbie Yeats, who has been a speaker a couple of times in the past. It was actually through Robbie that we came to know Chris Reed in Peru, Indiana. Robbie had been teaching in Chris’ church for a few years.

There is no firm schedule yet, except that on Sunday morning, April 1, Pastor Chris Reed will be holding his regular morning meeting and will be the only speaker that morning.

There is no registration fee for the conference, nor do you have to register at all. Just show up, but you will have to make your own hotel reservations. We are looking forward to seeing all of you who are able to attend.

Note: This Conference has already ended. The recordings of this conference can be viewed above.