Conference Overview
The 2017 Tabernacles Conference will be hosted by GKM, at the Chateau on the Lake in Cloquet Minnesota. Here are some details:
- There is no fee to attend the Conference.
- The Conference finished on 10/15/2017
- It will be held at Arise Church in Cloquet Minnesota.
- The conference will be Live Streamed on the GKM Youtube Channel. Recordings will be available on GKM's Youtube Channel as well as this page.
- Dr. Jones will be speaking at the conference.
October 13 - 15, 2017
Arise Church, 103 Park Place, Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
Map to Location
Day 1, Part 1, Morning - Chris Reed
Conference Recordings
- Day 1, Part 1, Morning - Chris Reed
- Day 1, Part 2, Afternoon - Stephen Jones, Rob Corry
- Day 1, Part 3, Evening - Mark Eaton
- Day 2, Part 1, Morning - Music
- Day 2, Part 2, Afternoon - Rob Corry, Music, Mark Eaton
- Day 2, Part 3, Evening - Paul and Hillary Kyle, Chris Reed
- Day 3, Afternoon - Carlos and Shelli, Sean, Dr. Stephen E. Jones, Communion, Kevin Kot
Friday Schedule
- 10:00 AMDr. James Bruggeman
- 11:00 AMChris Reed
- 12:00 PM Lunch Break
- 2:00 PMDr. Stephen E. Jones
- 3:30 PMRob Corry
- 4:30 PM Dinner Break
- 7:00 PMMark Eaton
- 8:00 PMRon Oja
Saturday Schedule
- 10:00 AMRon Oja
- 11:00 AMDr. James Bruggeman
- 12:00 PM Lunch Break
- 2:00 PMRob Corry
- 3:00 PMMusic
- 4:00 PMMark Eaton
- 5:00 PM Dinner Break
- 7:00 PMChris Reed
Sunday Schedule
- 2:00 PMDr. Stephen E. Jones
- 4:30 PMHoly Spirit Surprise
Donations to GKM
If you would like to make a contribution to help with the event costs (conference rooms, speaker's accommodations, etc), you can make a donation using the donate button to the right. It will take you to our regular donation page. All donations go to God's Kingdom Ministries, and we thank you for your help.
More Details
Conference Theme
The theme of the conference is Turning the Hearts, based on the Elijah/Elisha calling found in 1 Kings 18:37 and Luke 1:17. This theme should be viewed also in terms of Matthew 17:11, where Elias (Elijah) was called to “restore all things.” Elijah did his part with the single portion of the anointing, but Elisha now comes to finish the job with the double portion. In my view, Elisha is a company of people, not a single individual.
Conference Purpose
It appears that this is mostly about celebrating the transfer of authority from the beast systems to the saints of the Most High. It is interesting that the Black Bear Casino and Resort is nearby, and that those who have reservations there will be commuting between the two locations. Hwy 33 is significant because 33 is a very important occult number.
Mount Hermon is the place where the counterfeit “sons of God” dwelt with the daughters of men in Genesis 6:4. That event produced the Nephilim (giants), which the Israelites confronted and largely destroyed many years later.
The location of Mount Hermon is 33.33 degrees north latitude and 33.33 degrees east longitude, based on the original Paris meridian (not the Greenwich meridian). From the equator, the distance of 33.33 degrees north latitude is 2012.9 nautical miles, and for this reason, the occultists intended to complete their takeover of the world by the end of 2012.
This plan did not work out as they had hoped, and in 2014 the transfer of authority was decreed in the divine court, effective October 16, 2014 on the eighth day of Tabernacles. (We decreed it four days earlier on October 12, on the last day of our conference that year.) We knew that we would have to wait for another three years to October 2017, so we are now approaching that time.
On July 3, 2017 a group of us were led to go to Cloquet to replace the Nephilim who were guarding the spiritual “gates” at Cloquet and Duluth. We replaced them with Seraphim. That was when we connected that location with Hwy 33, which is the number associated with Nephilim. It was also the day that God led us to hold the Tabernacles conference at that location.
First, you should know that to get to the meeting room, you have to go up 19 stairs. The rest rooms are at the bottom of the stairs as well. There are no elevators, so if you cannot climb stairs, please be advised that it is not built for handicapped people. Sorry about that. We know that this is the place that God has picked for this conference, so I cannot complain, nor should you. But it is what it is.
Second, this used to be an old theater. It has been remodeled and has a new wooden floor, but the building itself is older. It is certainly suitable but it is not a luxury hotel. The closest hotels in the area are close to a mile down the road. If you do not have a car, you may enjoy the walk, but we do plan to have a van to shuttle people, and, of course, there will be many who will have cars, so I do not think that transportation will be a problem. There is parking along the sidewalks outside of the building, and also a parking lot just around the corner. Parking should not be a problem.
Third, there are about 100 cushioned theater seats in the back, which were not removed in the renovation. The rest of the floor seating has iron mesh chairs. They are comfortable for short sessions, but you may want to bring a cushion with you to sit on, especially if you want to sit closer to the platform.
Fourth, consider that Cloquet is quite far north. The weather in mid-October will be quite cool, and it often snows in October. Dress accordingly. I will not be able to give you an actual weather report until shortly before the conference begins.
Fifth, the restrooms are on the bottom floor. The restrooms themselves are quite small, with only 2 stalls in the women's, and just a toilet and urinal with no barrier between in the men's (essentially making it a one stall restroom). NOTE: We are looking into the possibility of installing portable facilities outside the building but have not heard any updates yet.
We plan to rent a shuttle van for short trips to the Duluth airport (not the airport in Minneapolis) and from the hotels to the meeting room. Others will have cars to assist in transportation as well.
When you first enter the building on the first floor, you will enter a coffee shop called The Avenue Coffee House, which also has sandwiches and salads for light eating. It is called The Chief. It has the full array of lattes, mochas, and teas that you would find in most coffee shops. There is also a sign painted on the window advertising “Arise Church,” which is the church that meets there every week. This church will be meeting on Sunday morning, October 15, during our conference. You are welcome to attend, but it will be their meeting and not part of our conference. We will take back the facilities and continue Sunday afternoon as we normally do at conferences.
The coffee shop also has an ice cream shop on one side. There is seating at tables, booths, and armchairs for about 25-30 people.
Down the street about 2 blocks is a small restaurant that advertises sandwiches, burgers, pastas, and steaks. It is called Avenue C.
There is a good Mexican restaurant about a half mile down the road called Pedro’s Grill and Cantina.
We will be meeting close to the St. Louis River. Across the ¼ mile long bridge are two more restaurants. One is a coffee shop similar to The Chief, and next to it is Gordy’s restaurant, which is more of a burger place, but is quite nice. We ate there yesterday.
Then down near the hotels, close to a mile down the road, there is a Perkins and some pizza restaurants and a large grocery store.
Down the road about a mile past the hotels is an Applebees restaurant. That is the most upscale eating establishment that I know about in Cloquet.