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2016 Hayward Tabernacles Conference

The 2016 Hayward Tabernacles Conference was hosted in Hayward, Wisconsin. The normal GKM production team did not record this conference. Someone attending the conference graciously offered to record it with their phone. The quality, therefore, will be different from the other conferences. All the recordings are available for free.


October 17 - 25, 2016

Hayward, Wisconsin


Conference Overview

The 2016 Hayward Tabernacles Conference will be held in Hayward Wisconsin. Here are some details:

  • There is no fee to attend the Conference.
  • The Conference ended on 10/25/2016. - (View Conference Report)
  • It will be held in Hayward Wisconsin.
  • Dr. Jones will be speaking at the conference.
  • Only recordings of Stephen Jones are available for viewing.
  • The normal GKM production team did not record this conference. Someone attending the conference graciously offered to record it with their phone. The quality will be different from the other conferences.

October 17 - 25, 2016

Hayward, Wisconsin

Map to Location


Stephen Jones, Part 1


  • Dr. Stephen Jones


There was no schedule set for this conference



Donations to GKM

If you would like to make a contribution to help with the event costs (conference rooms, speaker's accommodations, etc), you can make a donation using the donate button to the right. It will take you to our regular donation page. All donations go to God's Kingdom Ministries, and we thank you for your help.

More Details

About this Conference

It appears that the Open Door Ministry that we have discussed for many years also has a political application to Donald Trump. It is significant, then, that last September we held a Tabernacles conference in Minneapolis in proxy for Duluth, Minnesota. Duluth is a daleth, the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet that means “an open door.” Then in the third week of October, we held another Tabernacles conference, this time for a full 8 days, in Hayward, Wisconsin, about 50 miles southeast of Duluth. Just before the start of that conference, on October 15, 2016, my wife and I were led to drive to Duluth and cross the bridge connecting Duluth, MN with Superior, WI. The bridge, we knew, represented the Door.

Conference Report

As of 10/25/2016 this conference has finished. A full report of the conference can be read on this site by clicking the link below.